“Waffles,” Nero said completing the responses.
I stared silenced.
“Monsters!” I exclaimed before dramatically exiting the kitchen. And, yeah, I saw it that time too.
Cage wasn’t wrong. Neither was Quin. What exactly was my plan today? Yes, I wanted to be with Titus. I wanted it more than I had wanted anything. But, if I got him, would I choose him? I hadn’t before. And what had changed since then?
Shit or get off of the pot. That was what Cage had said. Why was it so hard? Titus was everything I wanted in a man and a partner. He loved me and showed it. And I never had a better time than when I was with him. So why was this even a question?
“Titus! I choose Titus. I’m sure of it,” I told myself finally realizing what I truly wanted. “So, what do I do now?”
What was I supposed to do now? Not only was Titus about to make the most important speech in the history of his town, but I had come to Snow Tip Falls with a plan. I was going to find Titus’s brother.
I reentered the kitchen to find everyone sitting around the kitchen island. In front of them were stacks of waffles and pancakes.
“After all of that talk about making a choice, you made both? I feel betrayed,” I said getting a laugh from Cage and Quin.
“Are you going to join us or not,” Quin asked.
“Fine. If you insist,” I said taking the remaining opening seat and reaching for the waffles.
Enjoying breakfast with everyone, it was 10:30 before we left the table and got ready for the town meeting. It was being held at the high school gym and would be going on for most of the day. Someone named Dr. Sonya had suggested that the organizers turn it into a kind of fair. So there would be someone there selling pastries, Titus’s new business would have a table introducing itself to the town, and I asked if I could get a spot as well.
I had considered running the idea by Titus but had decided against it. Instead, I told Quin who told Cage. And as a known person in the community, he made all of the arrangements for me.
With my travel bag in hand, we packed into the trucks and headed to the event. As we got closer, I got more nervous. Was I doing the right thing? Would Titus appreciate what I was doing? Would finding his brother help Titus? I was sure it would.
“What’s this?” Titus asked when he arrived and saw me sitting behind one of the tables that lined the room.
“Hello, sir,” I began. “My name is Louis Armoury and I’m doing a project for school that deals with family trees in small towns. If you would like to participate, I’m giving away free DNA testing for today only. With it, you will be able to find out which part of the world your ancestors are from. You might even find a long-lost relative or two. Would you like to participate? It’s free,” I told Titus with a smile.
Titus stared at me without saying a word. Getting nervous, I said,
“You said I could help you find your brother. Well, I’m helping. I figured that since your brother could be anywhere, the most reasonable place to start would be close to home. And when I heard about the town hall and was told anyone could get a table at it, I had an idea. What do you think?”
He continued to stare at me blankly.
“Okay, you’re starting to make me nervous. I only did it because I thought you might like it. What if your brother was someone in town? You’re not mad at me, are you?”
It was only then that his lip twitched. His stone face dissolved into emotion.
“That’s the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. I don’t get it. Who’s paying for this?”
“At least one good thing had to come out of my parents stealing my inheritance and controlling my life, right? Any samples I get, I’m charging to their credit card,” I said with a smirk.
“You’re amazing. Thank you for this,” Titus said moved. “But…” He paused.
“But what?”
“You haven’t been to many small towns, have you?”
“My family’s estate is next to a small town,” I reminded him.
“No. That’s a ski town. It’s not Nashville, but it’s not Snow Tip Falls, either. As great of a gesture as this is, you might not get as many offers to participate as you think.”