“Hey, did you get the results back from your DNA test yet?” I asked needing to stop him from saying something that would break my heart.
Titus’s eyes brightened with my question.
“I did.”
I sat up excitedly.
“At all? Wait, are you not human? Because that would explain your play today.”
Titus chuckled.
“I mean, no relatives popped up.”
“No one at all?”
“No. It did say that my genetics came from East Tennessee, though. But, I already knew. Being born there kind of tells you that.”
I thought for a moment.
“Does it, though?”
“How could it not?”
“What if your mother and father were born in California and your mother moved here before you were born.”
“But she didn’t.”
“Right. But how did the test know that?”
Titus thought about it without a response.
“Titus, I think you have relatives in East Tennessee.”
“I thought we already covered this. I was born here. Of course I have relatives here.”
“No, I mean, I think you have relatives who already took the genetic test.”
“Then why didn’t they show up in my results?”
“I don’t know. Maybe they requested not to be shown to others. Maybe they did something where their results were added anonymously.”
“Or maybe there’s a completely other reason.”
“I mean, that could be. But since we don’t know which is true, shouldn’t we choose the one that offers the most hope.”
Titus took a deep breath.
“I might be over having hope for things,” he said staring at me.
“Quin told me that you were starting a business in Snow Tip Falls. You have to have hope for that.”
Titus shrugged.