Page 395 of Second Chance Trouble

“Well, I didn’t think you would replace me with the next guy to come along if I got a little busy.”

“So, you were busy? That’s why you ignored my texts?”

“I didn’t ignore your texts. I read them. I just got busy before I could reply. At the risk of sounding like a dick, I do have other things going on right now. I just transferred to a new school. I’ve been trying to win over my teammates. I’m fighting for my place as starting quarterback. And, unlike you, I have to deal with parents who are having a hard time accepting that their only son is gay. So pardon me if it takes me a minute to reply to you.”

“I didn’t know any of that.”

“Well, now you do. So, maybe instead of beating me up for wanting to surprise you, you can just say thank you for doing something nice for you?”

I considered what he said. Maybe he was right. Maybe I was the one threatening to screw things up between us. He had asked me to marry him. Didn’t that mean that he was all in? Didn’t that also mean that I had royally screwed up by letting things happen with Titus?

“You’re right. I’m sorry,” I told him seeing how everything going wrong between us was my fault.

“No. You know what? I’m sorry,” he said putting his hand on my thigh. “You’re right. I should have texted you. And I should have given you a heads up that I was planning on stopping by. It was stupid of me to just show up like that. Do you forgive me?”

I stared at Sey realizing that he was actually a good guy. I didn’t know what I was thinking before. He really did love me.

“I forgive you,” I told him forcing a smile.

“We both made mistakes. But, we’ll do better, right?” he said joyfully.

“Right,” I told him knowing it was what he wanted to hear.

Sey smiled and then leaned across the car for a kiss. I gave him one. It immediately made me think of Titus. How was I going to explain any of this to him?

It turned out that I wouldn’t have to explain things to Titus. Because, like after Sey had asked me to marry him, Titus disappeared. But unlike the last time, it wasn’t just for a day. Three weeks went by without hearing from him.

“Have you heard from Titus?” I asked Quin when I couldn’t take the silence any longer.

“Yeah. Why do you ask?”

“I haven’t heard from him.”

“Oh,” Quin said surprised.

“He hasn’t mentioned me?”

“No. But maybe it’s because he has a lot going on.”

“What does he have going on?”

“He’s back on the football team,” Quin said surprised I didn’t know.

“He’s what?”

“Yeah. He decided that he wanted back on, and he made it happen. I think he’s a starter. Didn’t Sey tell you? You said they met at your grandmother’s estate, right?”

“Sey knows who he is. I guess he just forgot to mention it. Or he assumed I already knew?”

“That makes sense,” Quin concluded.

“What else has Titus been doing?”

“He started a new business.”

“What?” I asked not expecting to hear anything like that.

“Yeah. In Snow Tip Falls. It’s with someone he went to high school with. It’s a tour guide company. But they’re still in the setting-everything-up phase.”