Lou always seemed so, I don’t know, carefree or something. It was hard to believe that this was the tree he fell from… unlike his brother. Because the only thing stopping Chris from sinisterly twirling his mustache was his inability to grow facial hair.
“Wow!” was all I could say.
“So, what are you gonna do now? Are you gonna get a lawyer and fight the will?”
“Fight my parents? Have you met them? You see what they’re willing to do to get what they want, right? There’s no winning against people like that.”
“I don’t know. Can we just take a walk?”
“Of course,” I told him wishing I could help.
I was willing to do anything for Lou. I would fight a bear to be with him. But this problem was in a world I knew less than nothing about. It killed me that I couldn’t help him with this.
Turning and entering the woods, Lou led me down a lightly warn path. The mixture of large oak and pine trees reminded me of Snow Tip Falls. We walked for twenty minutes in silence until Lou reached back looking for my hand.
He had never done that before. I took it wanting it and more. Walking beside him, something about him suddenly seemed lighter. I wasn’t sure what caused it until after another twenty minutes of silence when we approached a stream. It had crystal clear water and was ten feet wide and three feet at its deepest.
Tightening his grip on my hand, he brought me to a stop at the edge. Facing me as he backed away, he looked into my eyes as he undressed. The smile on his face told me he was about to do something devilish. I thought he was gonna go for a swim, but instead, he walked to the large rocks at the end of the creek. Past him, all I could see was empty sky.
“What are you doing?” I asked amused.
He didn’t reply. And when he was finally in nothing but his underwear, he climbed on top of the rock furthest from us, peeled that off, tossed it on top of his clothes, and then fell back.
“Lou!” I shouted watching him fall out of sight.
My heart stopped. What had he just done? I immediately ran towards where he had fallen and before I got there I heard an explosive splash.
Scrambling to the top of the rock, I looked down. Forty feet below was a lake. The water was clear and beautiful. And emerging from the bubbles was Lou.
“Woohoo!” he yelled wiping his face.
“Oh my God! You gave me a heart attack!” I said through the pounding in my chest.
“Come down! The water’s warm!” he said with a smile.
“Oh, you mean it’s warm like the last time?” I asked remembering how he described the freezing pool.
Lou laughed. “Maybe. But you gotta join me. You can’t just stay up there.”
I looked around at the incredible sight. I was standing on top of an overhang. The edge of the land circled around to an area that was on the same elevation as the water. In front of it was a patch of sand.
“Are you really not gonna join me?” Lou asked looking up.
“I’m coming down,” I said retreating from the cliff.
Collecting his clothes and shoes, I rounded the edge to the clearing at the bottom. When the entire site came into view, I was in awe. It looked like a flying saucer had crashed into the side of the cliff and then had disappeared leaving a perfect imprint. The cavern it left was 500 feet wide with a smooth stone ceiling and large broken stones that disappeared into the water.
Surrounding it on every side that wasn’t shaded were lush green trees. It was breathtaking. The small waterfall from the creek above reminded me of Snow Tip Falls. But this place had something Snow Tip Falls never did, a naked Lou swimming in the water.
“There you are,” Lou said with a smile when he spotted me.
“This is amazing!” I said dumbstruck.
“Are you coming in?”