“That’s right. Otherwise known as the attic.”
Lou led me upstairs and through one of the many doors connected to the balcony. His room was nowhere near as polished as the rest of the house, but it was huge.
“It’s also where they store any bit of junk they get from their tacky friends.”
I looked at him unsure what I could say.
“Don’t worry, they can’t hear anything said up here. You’re free to speak,” he said slumping onto the queen-sized bed.
“I’m starting to understand all of the things you said about them. They might be the absolute worst.”
“Might be?” Lou asked with a smirk.
“They don’t eat children,” I reminded him.
“That we know of. But, come on. Would you put it past Chris?”
I gave him a look and we both burst into laughter. I sat next to him on the bed and wrapped my arms around him.
“Do you regret coming with me yet?” he asked genuinely.
“Not for a second. There’s nothing and no one who could ever make me not want to be with you.”
Lou pulled away and stared at me with a smile.
“That’s so sweet. How do you always know exactly what to say?”
“I guess being with you inspires me,” I admitted.
“Awww,” he said melting.
“I mean it. I don’t think I tell you that enough.”
“Well, you definitely don’t,” he said before wrapping his arms around me and pushing me back onto the bed.
With my back on the mattress, he climbed up and rested his head on my chest. This was the first time he had ever done this. I loved it. The only problem was that in the position I was in, there would be no way of hiding what was definitely going to pop up.
Lou lifted his hand gently gliding his fingertips across my chest. His touches were subtle at first. When I didn’t stop him, he rubbed harder.
“Oh my god!” he said causing me to sit up and push him off of me.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why that keeps happening.”
“I’m talking about your chest. How are you in that type of shape?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…” he waved his hands in front of my torso. “Wait, do you secretly have a six-pack.”
I blushed.
Lou’s mouth dropped open. “You do! Let me see.”
I was beyond embarrassed by what Lou was saying.
“We have, like, hours to kill before we have to be back in the snake’s den. Show me your six-pack.”