I laughed. It was the first time I had since getting the news. I felt more pain than I had ever in my life. But I knew that as long as I had Titus, I was going to make it through… and then I got comfortable in another cute guy’s arms. My grandmother was clearly looking after me from above.
It was the following day that I received an email from my parents informing me of my grandmother’s will reading. It surprised me that they hadn’t waited until the last minute to tell me about that too.
If nothing else, my grandmother always made it clear that she would be passing down her entire fortune to me. It wasn’t like I cared about stuff like that, but she had insisted. She told me that it had already been taken care of and that I had to prepare myself for it.
I, of course, did no such thing. That was future-Lou’s problem. I was present-Lou. And let me tell you, past-Lou was a bit of an a-hole. He dumped everything he ever had to do on me. Did he even know what responsibility was?
Not having to be at my grandmother’s estate until Friday, I decided not to think about any of that until then. I was in mourning. I had more important things to worry about like how to get out of bed.
“Do you think you would be up for a game night on Friday?” Titus asked when he Facetimed me.
“I have to head home on Friday.”
“What about Thursday?”
“Sure, I guess.”
“Then, save the date.”
“I don’t have anything else going on so it shouldn’t be a problem,” I said sadly.
There was a pause as we stared at each other.
“How are you feeling?”
“It’s hard to believe, ya know? I used to call her every two or three days. But I hadn’t spoken to her for weeks before she died. I didn’t even know she was sick.”
“Do you know what she died of?”
“My parents haven’t said.”
“Do you think you could get more details from your brother?”
“You mean the anti-Christ? I haven’t spoken to him since the last time we were both home. We’re not close.”
“Wouldn’t this be the perfect time to mend whatever broken fences are between you two?”
“Titus, I do not trust him with a hammer.”
“I’m serious, Lou.”
“So am I! Once, as a kid, he walked up to me with a hammer, looked me in the eyes, and then smashed my foot with it.”
“It was one of those plastic hammers and he was five, but he had looked me in the eyes before he did it. Message received.”
“How old were you?”
“Four. I’m telling you, he’s the spawn of the devil… and my father.”
“Okay, well, do you have any aunts or uncles you could contact for more information?”
“Not really.”
“I’m sorry, Lou.”
I shrugged. “The good thing is that after this weekend, I’ll never need anything from my parents again.”