Page 346 of Second Chance Trouble

“So, what are you gonna do with this place?” I asked her wondering how I fit into all of this.

“I haven’t decided. Maybe I’ll sell it.”

“I see,” I said feeling my chest clench. I winced and then crossed to the couch to sit down.

“You okay, son?” my mother asked.

“It just seems like everything’s changing. Nero’s playing professional football. Lou got engaged. You’re moving in with Mike. Everyone’s getting what they want but me.”

“Mike, could you give us a minute,” my mother said headed toward me.

“Actually, I need to get back to the diner to prep for the dinner rush.”

Mike grabbed his shirt and shoes. “I’ll see you later?”

My mother smiled and watched him go. When he was gone, she joined me on the couch. She took my hand in hers.

“Things change, Titus.”

“I know that. I’m the one who has been trying to convince you of that, remember? It’s just that everyone seems to be changing without me. What am I doing wrong? Why am I the one being left alone?”

“You’re not alone, son.”

“Aren’t I? You’re with Mike. Nero has Kendall. Lou has that guy, whatever his name is. And who do I have? Tell me, Mom. Who do I have?”

My mother’s eyes dipped. She had that look like she wanted to tell me something but couldn’t get herself to say it.

“What is it?”

She gathered herself. “It’s nothing.”

“No. Stop it, Mom. You always do this. If you have something to tell me, just say it. Is it about this place? Did you already sell it? Are you thinking about moving out of town, too?”

“Titus, you have a brother.”

I froze. Of all of the things she could have said, that was the last thing I expected to hear.

“What are you talking about?”

“I can’t say any more than that. But, it’s been weighing on me for a while, and…”

“What? You think you can tell me I have a brother that I never knew I had and then leave it at that?”

“I can’t say any more,” she said resigned.

“Why not? Who is he? Is he in town? Did you have a child before me?”

“No, nothing like that.” My mother took a deep breath. “You two share the same father.”

I stared at my mother as the reality of what she was saying twisted my body. “Mom, you have to tell me who it is. Does he live around here?”

“I made a promise that I wouldn’t say anything.”

“To who? My dad?”

“No,” she said uncomfortably.

“Mom, you can’t just drop something like that and expect that I’m gonna let it go. At least tell me something about him. Is he older than me? Younger?”