So, if not Nero, then who? Certainly not Lou, the guy I was in love with from the moment I saw his puckish smile and big, adorable brown eyes. And instead of accepting who I was, what did I do? I became his buddy, his best friend.
Well, ya know what? I’m tired of being everybody’s friend. I want to be desired. I wanted Lou to want me.
But it was too late now. He had found his guy and had gotten engaged. He had only mentioned having two dates with him. I thought I had more time. But I was the only one to blame.
Unable to stop thinking about it on my hour and a half drive to Snow Tip Falls, I was glad to see Glen’s General Store come into view. It was the unofficial start of our little backwoods town. The drive to my mother’s place wouldn’t take long after passing that.
Pulling up to the split-level log cabin I had grown up in, I took a deep breath. I was home. And, although it wasn’t the house Quin bought in Snow Tip Falls to be with his boyfriend, Cage, it was still a nice place. It was on a hill that overlooked a tree-covered valley. You couldn’t ask for much more than that in a town like ours.
Whereas Quin was born into ungodly wealth. My mother just had the pension the Air Force gave her after my father was shot down during combat. She raised me by herself. I wasn’t the type to consider my mother my best friend. But she was my rock. No matter what bad thing happened to me, I knew I would always have her.
Getting out of my truck, I walked to the front door knowing that I wouldn’t have to deal with everything going on around me once I stepped inside. It’s not like I’m scared of change. I’m the one campaigning to open up Snow Tip Falls to tourists. I’m a big fan of change. I think change is good.
But with Lou getting engaged, Nero moving to a new state, and me getting a new roommate all in less than a week, I could use a little stability. That was my mother. Etiquette, traditional values, and the status quo were the things she lived by.
Flinging open the unlocked door, I looked around for my mother. When I found her, I froze. I probably should have looked away. But the first time you see your mother and her boyfriend sprint from the couch to the bedroom naked, it takes a moment to process.
“Oh my God!” I yelled as the horrible image burned into my brain.
Was this why people in Greek mythology gauged out their eyes? I think I finally understood.
“What are you two doing?” I shouted horrified.
Although it was too late and I would never be able to close my eyes again, I spun facing the opposite direction. I considered leaving but what good would that do? The damage had been done. Besides, where else could I go?
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at school?” my mother said sounding as horrified as I felt.
“I thought I would come and visit you. Maybe I should go.”
My mother exited her bedroom.
“You don’t have to leave. But this might be a good time to tell you something.”
I slowly turned around finding my mother tying the waist of her robe. After what had happened, even this was too revealing.
“Yeah, what’s that?” I asked hesitantly.
“Mike, can you come out, please.”
Oh no!
Mike came out in jeans, suspenders, and no shirt. The man had a receding hairline, a blond beard, and the biggest beer belly I had ever seen. He was the owner of the local diner and growing up, I had always seen the flirting between the two. I wasn’t blind. But this?
“What’s going on?” I asked nervously.
“Honey, Mike and I are going to be moving in together,” she said firmly.
“Mike’s moving in?”
“No. I’ll be moving in with him.”
“I just bought a house on the lake. It’s up near Tanner Cove,” Mike explained.
“It’s beautiful, Titus. And I will be moving there.”
“I know how your Mama likes nice things. Only the best for her.”
I turned to my mother.