Page 310 of Second Chance Trouble

When they headed to bed, I did too. I wasn’t going to return to the guest bedroom. Nero might have needed space, but I didn’t want to create distance between us. I loved him. I wanted to be with him.

Allowing the light from the hallway to flood the room, I saw Nero already asleep in bed. At least, he looked asleep. Undressing, I joined him.

I would have been okay if he had wanted to use my body to feel better, but he didn’t. The closest we got all night was when I couldn’t take being apart from him anymore and I rolled over and touched his back. It was only then that I was able to fall asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, he was gone. The bed was empty. Getting dressed and going in search of him, I found him downstairs ready to leave. I was the last one down, so Quin and Nero were waiting on me.

“I’m sorry. You could have woken me,” I explained.

“That’s okay,” Quin said. “My first class is this afternoon.”

“Yours is at 8 AM, isn’t it?” Nero asked.

“Oh, Jesus! Yeah. What time is it?” I asked.

“6:15,” Nero said looking at me like we were strangers.

“Yeah, I guess we should go. Is your mother up? I should say goodbye.”

“She doesn’t usually get up until 7:30,” Cage told me. “And, she had a few drinks yesterday, so she might decide to sleep in.”

“Then I’ll get my stuff.”

I said goodbye to Cage letting him know how much fun I had had. And, driving back to campus, it was again Quin and I who did all of the talking.

“What building is your class in? I’ll drop you there.”

I told Nero and we pulled up in front of it. I was only ten minutes late.

“I had a lot of fun this weekend,” I told Quin who sat in the backseat. “Thank you so much for inviting me.”

“We’re all really glad you came.”

I looked over at Nero.

“This weekend was… nice!”

He didn’t look at me.

“Yeah. I’ll text you.”

I wanted him to kiss me bye. He didn’t. After being as affectionate as he had been all weekend, it couldn’t be because Quin was there. It had to be what he had learned about his birth. He was clearly having a hard time dealing with it.

“Okay,” I told him before collecting my travel bag, getting out of the truck, and watching him drive away.

As much as I wanted to stand there thinking about what I should do next with Nero, I knew I had to get to class. Entering as quietly as I could, I found a seat in the back and pulled out my phone to take notes. When the class ended, my plan was to sneak out.

“Kendall, can I speak to you for a moment?” Professor Nandan said as I tried.

As large as the class was, I didn’t think he would notice that I was late. I was readying my excuse when he brought up something else.

“How’s your experience with Nero, going?”

Oh, of course he was asking me about my time with Nero. The student counselor program is what he had been working on his whole career.

“I think it’s going well. In fact, that’s why I was late. He had invited me to the town where he grew up so I could get better insight into the origins of his issues.”

“He invited you to go home with him?”