After taking more pictures than a tourist at Tennessee’s biggest ball of yarn, Quin put his camera away and we got to work. Having made it strong enough to trap a bobcat, the only way we could get it through the door was to bend it. When we got it to my truck and bent it back, it was more oval than round.
“It’s a Moonshine Festival. If people are sober enough to notice it’s a little off, then we got bigger issues,” I told a sad Quin.
As much as I liked being alone with Kendall, having Quin with us for the drive to Snow Tip Falls helped. The two of them got along like best friends. I was a little jealous. But, just when I thought they forgot I was here, Kendal touched my thigh. I had never gotten hard so fast in my life.
I turned to him wondering what he was suggesting. He wasn’t looking at me. It was like he just wanted to tell me that he hadn’t forgotten about me. I was gonna take it, because I certainly hadn’t forgotten about him.
By the time we were pulling up to our new home, Kendall and I were introducing Quin to Tennessee drinking songs. Were we singing loud enough to wake people up as we drove by? Probably. But there’s only one way to sing a drinking song and it ain’t quietly under your breath.
“Is this your house?” Kendall asked staring through the windshield in awe.
“Yeah,” Quin replied bashfully.
“It’s amazing!”
Yep, there was no getting around it. The place was impressive. I wondered what Kendall would say when he saw where we were moving out of. I hadn’t been embarrassed about my place growing up because I didn’t have the time to be. I was too busy figuring out how to pay the rent.
But, I saw the neighborhood the kids from his school lived in. None of those homes were on wheels. Sure, none of the homes in our trailer park was either. But that was because no one there could afford them.
“Nero, after we get the costume inside, you should show Kendall around.”
Kendall turned to me excitedly. “Cool.”
“Is Mama here?” I asked Quin wondering how stressful my night was going to be.
“We special ordered her bed. It’s arriving tomorrow. She won’t move in until then.”
I was relieved. It would give Kendall and me a night to get used to whatever was going on. Once we moved the costume into the garage and said hi to Cage, that was what we did.
“They told me that this would be my room,” I said guiding him in and onto the bed.
“Nice!” He said looking around at the empty space.
“We’re getting my stuff tomorrow. But I’m not sure how much of it I wanna bring with me. Maybe it’s better to let most of it stay in the past.”
“You can’t beat a fresh start.”
I stared into Kendall’s soft, chocolate eyes. It was like he was asking me to pull him into my arms and never let him go. But, as soon as I slipped my hand on his, he stood up.
“So, where’s the room I’ll be staying in?” He asked grabbing his backpack.
I considered suggesting that he stay with me, but changed my mind. I wanted him to feel comfortable here. And if he needed to sleep somewhere else to do that, I would give that to him.
“Next door. I’ll show you.”
Allowing him to drop off his stuff, he told me that he would meet me downstairs and then closed the door behind me. How could I not take that as a rejection? He may as well have said, “Don’t let the doorknob hit ya on the way out.” I was starting to think this weekend wasn’t gonna go like I hoped it would.
“Where’s Kendall?” Cage asked when I joined him and Quin at the kitchen island.
“He’s in his room. He said he’ll be down soon.”
“So, how’s it going between you two?” Cage asked.
I nodded my head and tightened my lips instead of answering. The truth was I didn’t know.