Page 277 of Second Chance Trouble

“We watched the football game together. We got pizza afterward. It was fun.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Yes, I know who you are. Cage says I have a tendency to stare without saying anything. I guess I keep expecting people to read my mind,” he said with a chuckle.

“No worries,” I said feeling the awkwardness fade. “You look like you have something on your mind.”

“Yes, I do. Do you know what a moonshine festival is?”

“Isn’t it a pagan ritual type of thing?”

“No. The other moonshine.”

“Ah yes. A Tennessee specialty. Moonshine, I mean. What about it?”

“Snow Tip Falls, the town where Nero grew up, is having their first annual Moonshine Festival. And since I am becoming a part of the community, I thought I should volunteer to do something big.”

“What did you do?” I asked seeing where this was going.

“I volunteered to be the mascot.”

I put my hand over my mouth. “You didn’t.”

“I did. And I said I would make the costume.”

I stared at Quin and then burst out laughing.

“Why on earth would you volunteer to do that?”

“I’m the new guy in town. Besides, everyone’s been so welcoming to Cage and me that I wanted to do something to say thank you.”

“And nothing says thank you for not being homophobic pricks like dancing around in an oversized, uncomfortable costume all day while kids laugh and point.”

“The town’s not like that. It really is quite nice. In fact, the only problem we’ve ever had was with Nero and now he’s head over heels for a guy.”

“He is? Who?” I said feeling an unexpected rush of jealousy.

“You.” Quin stared at me blankly. “Wait, did you not know that? Did I say something I shouldn’t have? Oh, I’m sorry. Forget I said that,” he said starting to panic.

“No, no. You didn’t speak out of turn. He’s made his feelings clear. I guess I just have a hard time believing that someone like him could be interested in someone like me.”

“Oh. Yeah, I had the same feeling about Cage.”

“I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but they are two pretty hot brothers.”

“No, I don’t mind. It’s hard to miss. So, does that mean that you’re into Nero as well?”

I took a deep breath unsure what to say.

“Who knows? I’m such a mess. But you, what are you planning on doing for your moonshine mascot outfit?”

“I was thinking about making a mason jar. I mean, that’s what they would drink moonshine out of back in the day, right?”

I winced. “It’s more what fancy restaurants serve drinks in now-a-days to fake a downhome vibe.”

“Is it?”

“Your New York is showing, Honey.”

“Is it? Then what do I do,” Quin asked frantically.