Page 269 of Second Chance Trouble

“I don’t think so. He never had one.”

When the latch became free and all that was left was to enter the darkness, I turned to Kendall one last time.


He paused. Forcing a shallow breath, he shook his head.

This was it. Pushing open the door, I felt like I did every time I stepped onto the field. Everyone one of my senses was alert. My heartbeats echoed in my ears.

The place was dimly lit and cluttered. Kendall was right, a woman didn’t live here. And following the smell of pot, I crossed the living room to the bedroom door with the light pouring out from under it.

Indicating for Kendall to hold back, I stared at the closed door then put my ear on it. I couldn’t hear anything. What was he doing in there? It would make all of the difference. Had he heard us enter? Was he staring at the door waiting for us with a gun? There was only one way to find out.

Nothing beat the element of surprise. So, quietly grabbing the knob and crouching ready to pounce, I turned it, burst in, and then froze at what I saw. He wasn’t getting high playing a video game. He was watching porn with headphones on and his hard dick in his hand. I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried.

Seeing the movement in his periphery, he turned to find me. Stunned, he stopped jerking.

“What the fuck are you…,” was all he said before I rushed him, grabbed his tee-shirt, and shook him like a rag doll.

He couldn’t figure out what was going on. Letting go of his cock, the first thing he tried to do was pull his pants up. I found that hilarious. Rewarding his stupidity, I slapped him around. I made sure to hit him hard, though I’m sure it wasn’t nearly as hard as Kendall had gotten over the years.

“What the fuck, man? What the fuck?” He babbled about to shit himself.

Sure that he was properly terrified. I stopped and pulled his face inches from mine.

“You piece of shit, you’re gonna pay for what you did,” I growled wanting to crush his skull like a melon.

“Who are you? I don’t know you, man. You got the wrong person.”

This was it. I had his attention. It was time.

“Come in,” I said loud enough for Kendall to hear.

I had to give Kendall credit. When he stepped into the doorway, he entered like he wasn’t scared shitless, which he had to be. Everything about him had told me that he wouldn’t be able to do this. Turned out I was wrong.

“Kendall? What are you doing here?” He asked confused.

“Don’t talk to me like we’re friends, you piece of shit!” Kendall demanded. I was so proud of him.

“What are you talking about? We are friends. Tell him you know me. We’re friends,” Evan insisted.

“Friends? You think we were friends. You made my life hell for years. For years! You and your goon squad made me feel like crap every day of my life. The things you did to me…”

This guy’s belief that everything was going to be alright slowly faded. Things were beginning to click for him. I was happy about that because that was going to make what I had to do next a lot easier.

“What I did to you? They were just jokes. We were just having a little fun. I swear,” Evan said as his eyes bounced between the both of us.

“Constantly hitting me on the back of my head when you would walk by. Bumping me into lockers. Sticking my head in a toilet?” Kendall said with building anger.

“You came to school wearing makeup. What did you think we were gonna do?”

“There was shit in the toilet. You pushed my face into a toilet full of shit… and then you laughed about it!”

“It was a joke!”

Already on the edge, I couldn’t hear anymore. I lost it. Turning him to face me, I made sure he was looking into my eyes before I pulled back my fist and let it fly. He didn’t try to stop me or he didn’t think to. And feeling the rage flow out of me, I beat him until my fists hurt.

I was out of breath when I let him go. He dropped onto the bed battered. I had made a mess of him, but it wasn’t anything he wouldn’t recover from. I knew how far to take things. I’d seen worse in the ring.