Page 267 of Second Chance Trouble

“I don’t have anything against them!”

“Says the guy who told me to eat shit and die as soon as I mentioned that I was one.”

“I didn’t tell you to eat shit and die.”

“You may as well have. I could tell that was what you were thinking.”

Kendall didn’t reply.

“If this is gonna work, you know, whatever it is that we’re doing here, you’re gonna have to let me in a little as well. I can’t be the only one spilling my guts out.”

“That’s not the way therapy works,” Kendall insisted.

“Well, this ain’t therapy. If that’s what this was, I wouldn’t have agreed to do it,” I said meaning it.

I could tell he knew I was being serious. He was slow to reply.

“Fair enough. I guess I have a small chip on my shoulder when it comes to football players.”


“Okay, fine. I have a giant boulder. I have the Grand Canyon on my shoulder. You happy?”

“Actually, no. Why do you have such a big problem with them?” I asked a little heartbroken.

“Because they made my life hell. To this day I still wake up drowning in sweat after dreaming about what happened to me.”

“What happened to you?”

“Just a lot of little things. Walking in the halls, they would push me or knock my books out of my hand. They would say things about me liking guys. They would de-pants me?”

“They would pull down your pants?”

“Yeah. A lot. And I never knew when it would happen. I could be walking to class or talking to someone and one of them would grab my pants and there it went. They didn’t even care what they pulled down. Once I was in the doorway about to enter class and someone yanked everything down. I ended up standing there with my dick out.

“I mean, not too many people saw, but it was still humiliating, you know? So, yeah, I have a problem with football players. Get it now?”

Listening to Kendall tell me what happened, my face got so hot it felt like it was on fire. I was blackout-mad. The rage that bubbled in me was beyond anything I thought I could control, yet I had to have looked as calm as hell because he asked me if I had heard him.

“I heard you. Would you like an apology?”

“You don’t have to apologize,” Kendall said looking down.

“Not from me. From them.”

“I’m not gonna get an apology from them.”

“I didn’t ask if you were gonna get one. I asked if you wanted one,” I said as prickles rippled under my skin.

“I mean, I guess.”

“Then, let’s get you one.”


“Do you know where any of them live?”

“I mean, I know where all of them live. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I didn’t.”