“No. I’ve never seen him before. Why do you ask?”
“It’s just that I thought I saw him look at me.”
I turned back to the guy. As I did, he looked at us. I couldn’t tell who he was looking at. But as the three of us stared at him, he smiled. I looked back at Nero. Nero couldn’t take his eyes off of him.
Wait. What was going on? Was Nero into guys? My mouth dropped open.
“Cage Augustus Rucker,” a man said over the P.A. system.
I turned to see Cage step onto the stage to collect his diploma.
“Oh, he’s getting it,” I said tearing Nero’s attention from the guy.
Once the scroll of paper was in Cage’s hand, everyone in our little group, which included Lou and Cage’s mother, stood up and cheered. The love of my life was graduating from university. I loved him more than I had ever loved anyone and I couldn’t be happier for him.
The next chapter of our lives was about to begin. Would it include Nero and the guy he still couldn’t take his eyes off of? Would it include finding out who their father is and solving the mystery behind Cage’s birth?
I didn’t know. But, whatever it included, I was all in. So was Cage. And as long as we had each other, I knew that anything would be possible.
The end.
Asking for Trouble
Book 2
Most people wouldn't consider East Tennessee University the big city. But when you come from a small town like Snow Tip Falls, it’s more than you can handle. And when you've lived your life with secrets and the football universe shines that big ol' light on you, it's enough to push you over the edge. At least, it did me.
It's a good thing Kendall was there to catch me. He doesn't remember the day we met, but I do. It was the moment I confirmed what I always thought, I like guys.
But what do I do now that the coach, and the law, have mandated that I see Kendall three days a week? What does that mean for my NFL prospects? What does it mean for my too often broken heart?
I don't like football players. They made my life hell in high school. It turns out that gay, and weird wasn't a good combination.
Now in University, my dream is to help others as a therapist. That starts by becoming a student counselor. So maybe I shouldn't have drawn a picture of a football player hanging from a noose on my professor's empathy questionnaire.
In either case, he told me that I had to tackle my hang-up head-on to get what I wanted. So, now I'm counseling the worst of the worst, Nero Roman, a football player... who also happens to be the hottest, most drool-worthy, small-town boy I've ever met.
Turns out there's more than I expected under his rough exterior. And now I have to figure out how to stop having feelings for my way too gorgeous client?
Asking for Trouble
Chapter 1
How many times have you put something into your mouth and thought, ‘This does not taste good? Am I supposed to swallow it?’ And then you do and you regret it. But seconds later you forget how much you hated it and put more of it in your mouth?
Well, that was me last night and I’m paying the price for it this morning. How can anyone drink whiskey? It tastes like dirt and it’s like swallowing lava. I should have just held it in my mouth and spit it out when no one was looking. No one really cares if you swallow, right? They just care that you’re there making the effort.