Page 175 of Second Chance Trouble

“Yeah, Cage, don’t,” he mocked sending my blood boiling. “You two come in here thinking you could do whatever? This ain’t that type of town. We don’t accept your type here.”

This was it. I just needed to hear him say it and I was going to make it the worse day of his life.

“And what type are we?” I asked slowly readying to pounce.

“What type? The fa…”

“Nero!” The cook shouted cutting him off. “Come here!”

The guy shut up but didn’t look away.

“I said get your ass back here. Now!”

I was ready to kick the snot out of him. But instead of him taking that final step, he looked to the ground and headed to the kitchen. I remained standing as I watched.

“What are you doing talking to my customers like that? I said what are you doing talking to people like that? Speak!”

“I don’t know,” he said avoiding the cook’s eyes.

“You don’t know, huh? Then get your ass out of here and don’t come back until you figure it out. Go! And I’m docking you a day’s pay for what you said.”

“I didn’t say anything!” The guy pleaded.

“You said enough. Now go before I change my mind and fire you instead.”

The guy slithered out of the restaurant staring me down as he left. I was willing to finish my meal with Quin and meet him outside if he was going to wait. He didn’t, though. And, it wasn’t long before he disappeared into the dark of the night.

“I’m so sorry about that. The kid, he’s got some problems. His mother’s all messed up. I only keep him around for her.

“But, let me assure you that we welcome all types in Snow Tip Falls. In fact, you know what, your dinners are on the house. Sorry about him again. Really,” the cook said before returning his attention to our meals.

Calming down, I returned to the booth and found Quin’s eyes.

“Have you ever experienced anything like that before?” I asked him knowing that I hadn’t.

“Not like that. But, it’s never too long before someone reminds me that I’m not like everyone else.”

“You mean that you’re hotter? Is that the difference you’re talking about?” I asked with a smile trying to rescue the mood.

“No. But I can imagine that’s an everyday problem for you,” he said smiling at me.

I chuckled. “Maybe. But the only one I care who thinks that is you,” I told him meaning it.

“I think it,” he said allowing his soul to settle in my eyes.

“Good,” I told him barely able to keep my eyes off of him.

It didn’t take long after that for the cook to bring over our food and apologize again. The burger hit the spot and it was good. With dinner out of the way, all I could think of was what we were going to do next.

“Have a good night, now. I hope to see you again,” the cook said as we got up to go.

“What are you doing?” I whispered as Quin retrieved a twenty from his wallet and left it on the table. “He said the burgers were on the house.”

“I know but, we were the only customers there. It’s a slow night for him. It’s fine, Cage. Let’s just go,” he said leaving the money and ushering me out.

Back in the truck, I turned to him.

“You really are a great guy, aren’t you?”