“Then we should go. If nothing else, at least I’ll see where I was born. Is it close?”
“Is an hour and a half away, close?”
I looked at the kitchen clock. “We would get there around 4 p.m.”
“We should get going if we are. Are we going to do this?”
“There’s no reason to stop now.”
“Do you think there’s a chance we could run into your father along the way?” Quin asked hesitantly.
“Honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever see that man again, whoever he was.”
“How do you feel about that?” Quin asked intensely staring at me. “I mean, I know he wasn’t your biological father. But he still raised you.”
“But, did he steal me away from someone who would have loved me like he couldn’t… or didn’t want to?”
Quin didn’t reply.
“What I know is if it comes down to him or you, Quin, I choose you.”
It was hard to hear me say that. Quin was right. He still raised me. And up until he finally left, my greatest nightmare was that he would take off.
But then he did it and Quin confirmed all of the things about him that I had suspected for a long time. I didn’t know who the man who had pretended to be my father was, and allowing it to swirl around in my head, I had to wonder if he had ever loved me.
On the other hand, I couldn’t be sure about how Quin felt about me either, but I was pretty sure I loved him. What was more, I needed him. Quin was the man I couldn’t live without, not the one who made me feel like I was worthless.
Finishing off the pizza, the two of us got into my truck and headed out.
“How can you not know how to drive?” I asked giving him a hard time.
“I grew up in Manhattan. Who needs a car there?”
“Didn’t you say you spent your summers in the Bahamas on an island?”
“I did. And if this was a golf cart, I would be all over it. But since you probably want to survive the trip, you should drive. If you’re flexible on that point, I could certainly take over.”
“No, no. Surviving a car ride is always something I look forward to.”
“There you go. But don’t say I didn’t offer,” he said looking at me with one of his adorable smiles.
During the hour and a half drive there, I asked a lot of the questions I didn’t think I could ask before.
“Have you ever had a boyfriend?”
“No. Have you?”
“No. Girlfriend?”
“No. What about you? Anyone before Tasha?’
“A few. There was a girl I dated my freshman year. That didn’t last long. There were a couple of girls in high school, but none of those were very serious.”
“Have you ever been in love before?” Quin asked pulling out the big guns.
“I thought I was in love with Tasha. I mean, we could have been at one point. It’s hard to tell now. I certainly had feelings for her. But, now I’m wondering if what I felt for her qualifies.”
“Qualifies as love?”