Page 154 of Second Chance Trouble

I was in shock. What was I supposed to say to that?

“Wait! I don’t understand. What did I do?”

“Just stay away,” Lou said before retreating down the hallway and into the facility.

I sat frozen and dumbfounded. What could I have done that would elicit that reaction from Quin? Was he traumatized by watching me break my leg? That was ridiculous, but it was the only thing I could think of.

With everything that had happened between us, I knew I couldn’t let things end with him running away from me like that. I at least needed an explanation. If I had done something, I needed to know what it was.

Leaving the desk unattended, I grabbed my crutches and rushed after them. The hallway spilled out into the multi-purpose room. There was a juice bar on the right, an area with weights in the middle, and a rock-climbing wall on the left. I couldn’t be away from my desk for long so I chose a direction and took a shot.

Heading to the rock climbing wall, my gaze bounced onto everyone in the area. I thought I had chosen wrong until I saw my guy sitting on the mat with his face in his hands and Lou comforting him. I needed to know what was making Quin so upset. I needed to save him from it.


Quin looked up in a panic about to flee.

“Please don’t go. I can’t move that fast and I can’t stay that long. But, I need to know. What did I do? Why do you hate me so much?

“I thought we had a good thing going. But then I got hurt and you disappeared. Now you’re running from me like you’re scared for your life?

“None of it makes sense. You used to be the one thing in my life that made sense. Help me understand what changed. You owe me that much. Please!”

Both Quin and Lou stared at me as if I had three heads. Why wasn’t anyone saying anything?

“It’s your father,” Quin spat.

I jolted shocked. Of all the things he could have said, that was the last thing I would have guessed.

“What about my father?”

Quin didn’t reply.

“He threatened to gut Quin like a pig if he contacted you again. He said he would kill Quin, then he would kill me, and then he would go after Quin’s family.”

The words hit me like a punch in the face. I had to force myself to speak.

“He what? When?”

“At the hospital,” Quin said gathering himself and standing up.

“You came to the hospital. I didn’t think you did.”

“Of course I came.”

Lou added, “We waited in the waiting room for two hours to see you.”

“So, what happened?” I said looking between the two.

“Your father pulled me into a room, stuck what I think was a hunting knife against my stomach, and said that he knew what I was.”

“I can’t believe this!” I said with my mind swirling.

“You can’t tell him we spoke to you. He said if he found out, he would kill us,” Quin explained.

“My father’s gone.”

Quin stared at me confused. “What do you mean “gone”?”