The alarm buzzed again. Oh right, the alarm. I didn’t want it to wake up Quin.
Instead of letting it ring like I usually had to, I popped open my eyes and figured out where I was. I was on the right side of the bed. The alarm clock was on the left. I had to reach over Quin to get it.
Not thinking about it, I straddled the guy beneath me and hit the switch. With it off, I realized where I was. Although our bodies weren’t touching, I was hovering above him. I froze and looked down. He was on his back facing up.
My God, did I want to bend down and kiss him. I was right there. He was so close. And then he opened his eyes.
I stared at him, caught. He smiled, or was it a blush?
“Good morning,” he said in a raspy morning voice.
Looking at him, I relaxed.
“Morning,” I said getting one more good look at him and then rolling back to my side of the bed. “Sorry about that,” I told him.
“No, I liked it,” he said smiling ear to ear.
“You liked the alarm?”
“Oh, I thought you meant…” He blushed again. “It was fine. Does that mean we have to get up? It’s so early.”
“I have to get to practice. It’s a long drive.”
“Okay,” he said squirming his body adorably.
Watching him settle, I was about to get up when I noticed something. I had a serious morning wood situation going on. Sure, I was only too happy to show him my hard dick last night. But, I was so turned on by being with him that I had lost all inhibition.
After a night’s sleep, as short as it was, I wasn’t so bold. Yeah, I was still as turned on as all get out. But, we weren’t getting into bed. We were leaving it. That made a difference.
“We could sleep a little while longer, right?” Quin asked facing me, his gorgeous eyes begging for me to hold him.
“You can, but I have to get up. The bowl game’s on Saturday. This is our last full practice before it. I can’t be late.”
“Fine,” Quin said disappointed.
Staring into his eyes I tried to think of the next time I could get him back here.
“Do you want to come to the game? Have you ever been?”
“You want me to come to your game?” He asked with a smile.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I?”
“I don’t know. I thought it might be your manly space or something.”
“Manly space?”
“You know, a place for your girlfriend and all of your football friends to meet and do football things.”
“First of all, the stadium seats 20,000 people. There’s room for everyone. Second of all, Tasha hasn’t been to one of my games in I don’t know how long. You should come. That way you can see what all the fuss is about.”
“I can see what all of the fuss is about from here,” he said making my heart melt.
“I mean, why it’s so important for me to pass the class we stayed up all night studying for.”
“Oh, yeah. Okay.”
“I can get you a couple of tickets. You can bring Lou.”