Page 115 of Second Chance Trouble

“You mean the very tight ones that football players wear.”

“Ah-uh,” I said feeling my face heat up.

“Oh! He’s not just coming over to study, is he?”

“No, he is,” I said bringing things back down to earth. “He needs to pass the class to play football next semester, and he asked me to tutor him.”

“So, you’re holding his life in your completely irresistible hands?”

I looked down at my hands wondering how hands could be irresistible.

“I mean, not really. But, kind of.”

“Oh my god, you two are so gonna make out.”

“We’re not. He still has a girlfriend. That hasn’t changed.”

“Maybe he wants you to join the two of them. You’d be into that, wouldn’t you? I mean, you of all people with your parents and all.”

“You know, to be honest, I don’t think I would be. I see what my parents have, and it’s great. I love all of them and they love each other. But, I’m not sure that’s for me.”

“So, we’re going to have to break the two of them up?” Lou asked with a devilish look in his eyes.

“No! I’m not doing that either. If she is who he wants to be with, then… fine. I’m okay with that.”

“How much did that hurt to say?”

“A lot. But, it will have to be true. I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with me.”

“You’re a better man than I am,” Lou said giving up.

“I don’t know about better, but I am a lot more alone.”

“Ahhh!” Lou said getting up and hugging me. With his arms still wrapped around me, he said, “This boy is going to devastate you, isn’t he?”


“Don’t worry, I’ll be here to pick up the pieces, Lamb Chop. I’ll always be.”

“Unless you have a hot date?”

“Unless I have a hot date. But, other than that, I’ll be right here,” he said pulling away and giving me an irresistible smile.

Chapter 4


I can do this. I can spend a little time with Quin, not fall head over heels for him, and not blow up my entire life to be with him. I’m sure I can. Although, the closer our meeting time got, the clearer it became that I wasn’t going to have a say in the matter.

How is it that every guy, or girl, or whoever he’s interested in, didn’t see everything I did in him and snap him up? I don’t understand it. The guy is gorgeous and awkwardly adorable. I could push my fingers through his dark, wavy hair until I was lost in it.

Oh, and his eyes. Don’t get me started on his eyes, those vulnerable, bedroom eyes. Just thinking about them makes me so hard. How is he able to do this to me?

It’s like… what is that thing that animals release to attract a mate? Pheromones? It’s like he’s releasing pheromones and there is nothing I can do to resist it.

I really shouldn’t have asked him to tutor me. He was probably the last person I should have asked. How will I be able to concentrate with him in arms reach of me? It was such a mistake. But, I can’t wait. And time has never moved slower in my life.

I waited at The Common for our meeting time instead of driving home and driving back. Staying with Tasha might have also been an option considering she lived on the floor above his. But odds were that she was hanging out with Vi.