Page 108 of Second Chance Trouble

“Here you go,” she said handing me back my phone. “Check it.”

I looked down and saw my full humiliation on display. “Yes.”

“Okay. Let’s go. I’m hungry,” Tasha said entwining her body with Cage’s and pulling him away.

“It was nice meeting you, Quin,” he said looking at me as he left.

“Yes. It was nice meeting… you,” I mumbled sure that he could no longer hear me.

I watched as the perfectly suited couple walked off. Of course, he had a girlfriend. And, of course, she looked like that. My heart hurt watching them go.

I can’t believe I thought he was interested in me. No one’s ever interested in me. How could I have been so foolish? How could I think a guy like him could be interested in a guy like me?

Once the two had disappeared into the darkness, I entered the building. Ascending the stairs in a daze, I wanted to cry. Why didn’t anyone ever like me back?

“Don’t tell me that you went to a coffee shop and read a book,” Lou said snapping me out of my haze.

“What are you doing here?” I asked not expecting to see him.

“Ugh! The date was a bust. But don’t change the subject. I don’t see a naked man on your arm. I don’t see, sigh, a naked woman. I don’t see any signs of shame.”

I took out my phone, pulled up the picture of Cage and me, and handed it to Lou.

“Who’s this?”


“Why do you look so heartbroken, Lamb Chop?”

“He has a girlfriend,” I told him before looking into his eyes and crying.

“Ahhh,” Lou said before wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight.

“What’s wrong with me, Lou?” I asked before he guided me to my bed, climbed in beside me, and held me while I cried.

Chapter 2


Wow! I have never felt anything like that in my life. Looking at Quin I could barely contain myself. I couldn’t keep my hands off of him. I could have stayed with him at the party all night. For the first time in a long time, I felt alive.

Returning to reality was a hard pill to swallow. When I got Tasha’s text, it felt like the rug had been ripped from under me. I wanted to stay there with Quin. I wanted to see how far it would go. But, I had promised Tasha that I would take her to dinner whether or not we won the game. I always keep my obligations and I had made one to Tasha.

“So, I wanted to talk to you about something,” Tasha said breaking the silence as we walked.

“What’s that?”

Tasha looked at me excitedly and blushed. Seeing her display of emotion was an unusual sight. A dark cloud usually followed Tasha infecting everyone around her.

I had to assume she wasn’t happy with her life. I was clearly a part of her dissatisfaction. But whenever I tried to talk to her about it, she accused me of trying to ruin the good thing we have going.

What good thing was that? She wasn’t happy. I wasn’t happy. And we never had sex.

“You know Vi, right?” Tasha asked bubbling.

“Your best friend Vi who you spend all of your time with. Yeah, I know her.”

“You don’t have to say it like that.”