Page 73 of Wade


"Here." Taking it from her, he put it away, along with his empty glass. "Or was it the fact that you fell madly in love with me?"

"That too. I love you."

His heart slammed against his ribs and he felt his body heating up.

"That's handy because I happen to love you too." Placing a hand over where her heart was beating unsteadily, he felt the ruby he had given her just weeks ago. "I-" he paused when the car slid to a smooth stop. They had been so engrossed in each other that they had failed to notice that the driver had turned into the long, cobbled driveway.

The pink stucco building loomed in front of them and seemed more like a stately old mansion than a hotel. The door was whisked open and the driver, a friendly smile on his dark face, took her hand to help her out. It was just getting dark, but there was a light somewhere in the front, spilling out onto the wraparound porch.

"We won't need you for the rest of the day Dave."

"Yes sir." Doffing his cap, he trudged towards the porch with the cases. A woman wearing a prim looking black pants suit stood aside so that he could pass with the cases.

"Darling, I would like you to meet Moira. Moira, this is my wife, Remi."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Moira beamed at her and gestured them into the wide and elegant foyer. "I have prepared some refreshments in the blue salon." Hefting the suitcases in her hands, she headed for the intricately woven staircase. "I have put you in the honeymoon suite."

"Naturally. Thank you."

With a nod, the woman headed upstairs.

"She is bringing down our swimwear." Taking her hand, he led her through a wide passageway, and nudged her into a faded blue salon with comfortable sofas and floor to ceiling windows.

"Oh my goodness!" Remi clapped her hands and raced over to the window facing the most spectacular view she had ever seen. The sea was spread out in front of them and along the pathway leading to the gently cresting blue water, there were dozens of flowers with the colors rioting and contrasting with the lush green grass.

"I take it that you approve?" He had come up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"I think this is what paradise looks like." She leaned back against him and sighed as his hands slid around her waist possessively.

"What do you think? Eat first and then swim?"

"Oh, definitely swim."


"I am not venturing any further," she told him firmly.

"You are determined to stay in the shallow end?"

"Yep. You are the fish, I am not. I am very comfortable where I am." Dipping her hands beneath the surface, she splashed water around her. It was a serene setting, and the blue-green water was surprisingly warm.

She had floated a little bit and then dived beneath the surface. But she was not taking the challenge from her husband to venture further.

"You should learn to take risks."

"That's not taking risks, that's putting one's life on the line." She watched as he sank down until she could no longer see him, just the ripples where he had been. Telling herself that there was no cause for worry, she continued splashing water all around her.

A scream escaped her when she felt something tickling her feet.

"That's not funny." Huffing out a breath, she turned her head to send him a sizzling look as he came up behind her and hugged her. "I thought it was a shark or - what are those flesh- eating fish called?"


"Yes, that."

"You have a vivid imagination." He turned her to face him, admiring the slick back hair streaming past her neck and shoulders and especially the fabric of her one-piece black swimwear clinging to her generous bosom.