She smiled at the question. “I have been compiling evidence against him. Damaging evidence. Things he said to me, names he allowed to drop so that he could put the fear of God in me. I recorded everything and I am going to use that to get him to leave me alone.”
“You think he will do so?” Wade asked with a frown.
“The things I have are compelling and explosive and will take him down eventually. I cannot live this way and I am certainly not going to live the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. This ends now.”
“You are quiet.”
He spared her a brief glance as he shrugged out of the cranberry-colored jacket he had worn for the function. He had listened to her amusing anecdotes about some couples at the function and had made the appropriate responses. But she knew him.
“I was listening and I am usually not a talkative guy. I leave the talking to you.”
She searched his face as he came over to join her on the bed. “The meeting went to hell?”
He smiled at that. “You could say. Did you enjoy the party?”
“You were gone for almost an hour. I had to entertain myself. Should I be concerned?”
“About?” He shifted so that he was on his side and facing her.
“That you somehow managed to sneak someone up into that big ass suite of yours.”
“With you in the hotel ballroom and with reporters milling around? I am not that innovative.”
“Oh, I am sure that if a man wants to cheat, he will find a way.”
“I could say the same thing about a woman.” He tugged at a lock of her hair. “Somehow the threat you made about my prized jewel keeps ringing in my ears.”
“Is that what’s stopping you from doing it?”
“The love I have for you makes me unable to look at another woman.” He kissed her roughly on the lips. “You had cramps.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “Nothing is sacred.”
“You should have called me.”
“And say what? That I am feeling a little stiffness at the base of my stomach?” She shook her head. “I am pregnant, anything is possible.” She trailed a finger down his chest. “I have to be somewhere tomorrow.”
“Remember the children’s home we were talking about?”
“The one in the heart of downtown?” He stared at her with narrowed eyes. “It’s a mess down there. A lot of gang violence and disturbances. You are not going.”
“Leesa, Kelly and Monique will be there. If it makes you feel any better, I will have Manny drive me and stay until I am ready to leave.”
She pushed at his chest, her eyes sizzling. “I was not asking your damn permission and I did not have to say anything to you.”
“You are pregnant- “
“Yes!” she snapped. “The operative word is pregnant, not disabled, not terminally ill. I am simply doing what women have been doing since the dawn of time. We want to make a difference. You renovated a hotel several blocks from the area, the place is starting to come to life again. We are trying to get funding for the shelter."
"Then write a damn check."
"It's not that simple. There are kids there who are on drugs. Who have been abused. We are trying to set up counseling, and do what we can for them.