Page 26 of Wade

"I am crushing you," he murmured into her neck.

"No." She kept her hands wrapped tight around him. "Just stay."

"For a minute then."

"I love to feel you inside me," she whispered and he groaned.

"I love to feel you wrapped around my cock."

She trembled at that. "You were involved with a lot of women."

The sudden mention of his past had him jerking upright and staring at her. "That's in entirely poor taste."

"I know." She grinned at him, with sleepy satisfaction. "You were a bit of a slut."

"How would you know that?" He found the strength to ease out of her.

"I read stuff. You were involved for three months with some fancy lawyer." She watched as he rose and came to sit next to her. She shared the blanket with him.


"Why did it end?"

His eyebrows quirked. "Are we really discussing this?"

"Yep." Easing back against the cushions, she propped her feet on his thighs. "Spill."

"It did not work out."

"Obviously. Why not?"

"We wanted different things. I really do not-"

"What different things?" She persisted and earned an aggrieved look from him.

"She wanted marriage."

Her eyebrows rose. "And you didn't."

"Obviously.” He borrowed her word. "Not at the time. I had spent years with two people who plainly did not love each other and it made for a miserable life."

"Why didn't you love her? She appeared to check all the right boxes."

"And those would be?"

"Gorgeous good looks, talent and she came from money."

"Perhaps those are not the things I look for in a woman," he pointed out.

"What you look for in a woman is voluptuous curves and someone from a crappy childhood?"

"It seems to be the thing." He gave her an amused look.

"You always hooked up with skinny, emaciated women in the past."

"I would not exactly refer to them as emaciated," he responded dryly.

"Compared to me, they are." She settled back even more and sighed when he started to rub her feet. "That's why I did not believe you could be interested in me."