Page 24 of Wade

David sent her an amused look. "Why? Because he is a politician?"

"Exactly." She pointed her spoon at him. "They are all corrupt and intent only on getting rich off the backs of ordinary citizens like you and me."

"You are not ordinary at all. You are Wade Bramwell's girl. Do you for one moment think that Wade's hands are squeaky clean? He is a very wealthy man who has built a formidable company. The papers classify him as being ruthless when it comes to getting what he wants."

"He is fair when it comes to doing business," she insisted. "I would not be with him otherwise."

"Honey, you are smart and intelligent. Men like Wade Bramwell do not get where they are by being all the way fair."

"He inherited the company from his dear old dad. A company that has been in the family for generations. He just made it more productive."

"And his dear old dad was a piece of work. Be grateful he died before you two met. He would have done everything in his considerable power to stop the relationship."

"I know. Wade told me that himself. His mother on the other hand was a sweetheart. I am sorry I did not get to meet her."

David reached over to cover her hand. "I am happy for you sis."

"Yeah. I am kinda happy for myself."


She was curled up on the sofa with a blanket thrown over her lower body when he arrived home. Only the light from the electronic fireplace relieved the darkness of the room and he could see her sitting there and staring into space.

He had called and apologized for the delay in getting home. An emergency had come up and had to be dealt with. He had told her to go ahead and eat without him and he would grab something from the office.

He had shed his winter jacket and welcomed the warmth embracing him. It had started snowing while he was on his way. He stood there in the arched doorway and stared at her. She looked pensive as if she was lost in thought and he wondered if she was regretting the seed she was carrying. He could not bear it if that was the case.

He cleared his throat and had her turning to look at him. "Finally."

"You missed me." Her smile lightened the tension inside his chest.

"Not really. I just need someone to rub my feet. Any old Joe would do. But since you are here..."

"Happy to be of service." He shrugged out of his jacket and put it away, before pulling up an ottoman and taking a seat. "Cramps?"

"Hmm." She wriggled her toes as he propped her feet on his knees. "That feels good."

"How was lunch?" His long fingers kneaded the insteps slowly, watching as she relaxed against the cushions. She had showered and changed into a thin teal blue robe and he could clearly see the outline of her breasts.

"David is psyched about being an uncle. We are not going to spoil this child."

"Okay." he moved up to her calves and smoothed away the knots there.

"I mean it, Wade. I know we will be able to offer him or her everything money can buy, but no expensive sports car when he turns sixteen. He will have to work for it like a normal child."

She shook her head as he arched his brows. "I know he will not be a normal child, but I did not grow up swimming in money like you did and I refuse to have our child becoming an entitled asshole."

He bit back a smile at her fierce expression. "I will see to it that he is denied all the creature comforts. Shall we have him shoveling snow as well? Or perhaps we should get rid of Mrs. Mason and let him do the housework."

She cast him a dirty look. "We do not have to go that far. But he is going to learn the value of a dollar and that nothing worth having in life is easy."

"Noted." He eased up to her thighs. "You keep saying 'he'. Do you think-"

"I am just being generic. But I want a son."

"I see. Any particular reason?"

She shrugged and realized that very soon, the conversation would fade away. His hands on her thighs were making it difficult for her to concentrate. "I don't know. I just want a son who has your temperament, your determination and your looks."