Page 29 of Wade


"Very nice work darling," Leesa told her in admiration. She was wearing a delicate pink and gold dress that left nothing to the imagination, but somehow managed to be tasteful.

"I like the bold colors and the fact that instead of the traditional crystal chandeliers, you used candles, hundreds of them. It gives the place an intimacy that is unmistakable."

"The building has been around for centuries." She started to reach for a flute of champagne and then decided against it. Not that one glass would do any harm, but her stomach was acting up again. "It was in fact the residence of a cousin of the King of England, handed to him as a gift when the guy married the king's daughter."

"Fascinating," Kelly murmured. "You do thorough research before diving in."

"It's required." She went for a glass of nonalcoholic wine instead and lifted her head to look at Wade, knowing he had been the one to send it over. The man knew everything. It was decidedly uncanny.

"It made for fascinating reading. I spent half the time doing research, which is usually the most difficult part of the job. But this time, it was well worth it."

"It is indeed a beautiful building," Leesa commented.

"And durable. People are pouring in to make reservations."

"Brad and I are staying the night."

"I persuaded Kane to do the same. We almost did not get in, the place has been booked since the opening was announced."

"You live a few miles away," Remi pointed out in amusement.

"The same thing Kane said." Kelly grinned as she sipped her wine. "But I finally persuaded him and bribed him with some very hot and wild hotel sex."

"Which is far different from the sex we have at home," Leesa concurred. They both glanced at Remi.

"We are going straight to the loft."

"I thought you guys would want to stay here."

"And mingle with all these people?" Remi scoffed. "Not a chance in hell. Present company excluded."

"Of course," Kelly said with a laugh.


"People are staring at us."

"As they should." His arms were wrapped around her body and he could feel the heat of her penetrating his clothing. "We do make a rather handsome couple."

"So, this is just for show?"

"Photo op." He grinned at her. "No doubt we are going to make the morning papers."

"Wallowing in your victory?"

"Wallowing? I prefer basking." He kissed her forehead. "A lot of people were commenting on how beautiful you look."

"And I saw several of your exes giving me the dagger in my back look."

"I had no idea any of them were invited. I should have specifically asked they not be included."

"That would have meant half the women here."

His eyebrows arched and he made a show of looking around. "You are exaggerating."

"I am so not." She aimed a look over his left shoulder. "Angela Bisasor. What kind of name is that?"