Page 98 of Cruel Surrender

“Yes, a friend,” Destiny added.

“Who just happens to bring you flowers,” Montana said with disdain as he held out his hand. “Detective Montana Givens. I’m also a friend, a very good friend.”

Christopher gripped his and both men stared into each other’s eyes.

Nausea rolled into the pit of Destiny’s stomach as if she’d been punched. She recoiled, taking two steps back as beads of perspiration popped above her top lip. As the two men continued the hold, the nightmare from her evening with Montana turned into a vision. Blood and bone, bile and vomit. And Montana’s vacant and very dead eyes.


Montana held his breath as a series of visions and gruesome images floated though his mind as if in slow motion. There was no denying he was as connected to this stranger as he was to Destiny. He tried to capture what he was seeing, but the vivid near photographs were blurry, faceless, yet left him drained and haunted. He wasn’t certain who broke the hold but he was sweating and unsure of his surroundings for a few seconds.

“Detective. Good to meet you.”

He heard the words as if said in another dimension. When he was able to blink and catch his breath, the stranger was already in his car. “Who is he?” He realized the mystery man hadn’t given a name. Interesting as well as telling.

“No one,” Destiny whispered.

Swallowing, he turned to look at her. She was pale, sweat beaded above her lip, her expression full of curiosity and something else. Desire. “I need to know.”

“I said, no one who matters.” She left him standing at the door, retreating into the house.

He stood still, watching the man drive away in his sleek, black car. Registering the license plate, he pulled out his phone, typing the numbers and letters in a note. This man held some key, but to Destiny or the case? After a full minute, he closed the door and leaned against the door jamb.

The vision had been unusual and full of violence. While the majority of images were graphic, others were more of a sexual nature. He glanced down the hallway. She’d been with him, but how? He dialed Grant’s number and after four rings his partner answered. “Are you alone?”

“You shouldn’t be calling me,” Grant said in a hushed tone.

“I need some information, a license plate run for me.”

“Partner, things went to shit in the hour since you’ve been gone. I can’t be seen talking to you in person or on the phone. Period. You are bad news.”

Montana chuckled but realized someone was gunning for him. He was getting close to finding the truth. “I ruffled feathers, but that doesn’t change the facts. Write this down.”

“I’m not sure I should do this,” Grant said then groaned.

“Just do it. I need to know what I’m dealing with.”

“Yeah? And you shouldn’t be dealing with anything. You’re on suspension or did you forget so damn quickly?”

“Look,” Montana hissed into the phone. “I need help here and I’m not the bad guy. There is a storm brewing and somehow Destiny, Dr. Blade as well as the club are smack in the middle. I have a piece of the puzzle I need to rule out. Understand?”

“Fine. Give me what you have.”

He rattled off the plate. “I just need to know who he is.”

“Let me guess. You’re not going to tell me jack shit about this guy.”

“Not yet. What about the warrant for Jade’s place?”

Grant burst into laughter. “There’s so much red tape, we’ll be lucky to get to talk to her ever again. She has more than just influential friends. She knows everybody in this town.”

Of course. All Jade had to do was make a few phone calls. “What about Michael?”

“I’ll let you know if we find him but do me a favor. Stay away. Don’t call me. I’ll call you. I have a bad feeling my phone is tapped.”

Montana heard the aggravation and concern in Grant’s voice. “All right but call me. Can you wrangle police protection for Dr. Blade?”

“Geez. That might be tough, but I’ll try. Right now this case is tainted.”