Page 96 of Cruel Surrender

He shrugged. “I do, but I have a sick feeling there’s more than one. Just my gut plus…”


“You know the odd connection we have?” he asked quietly then sipped his drink.

“Powerful and unexplained.” She’d attempted to put the pieces of why there was a link, the strong tethering she had with both Montana and Christopher. “I’m no expert but I’ve studied alternative forms of psychiatric methods. What I learned certainly isn’t scientific, but thousands of people believe in aspects of the occult, life after death and certain psychic abilities.”

“Go on.”

“There are aspects of this world that aren’t based on logic. If you believe in reincarnation, for example, believers testify to the fact they have a deep connection with those who were in their life in some way before. The theory has never been proven wrong. As a matter of fact, experts can’t prove the concept one way or the other. Every experience is personal and the majority of recipients can’t harness their abilities. Maybe the stars or God or even ghosts have a hand in determining who interacts in psychic methods.”

“So you’re saying we have this bond because of a past we shared?”

She smiled. “I don’t know for certain, but I’ve always been able to see and talk with ghosts. Can that be explained? Some would call me idealized or worse, crazy.”

“But you believe?” Montana asked.

“Absolutely. I pushed away this gift years ago. Now…” Her words trailed off. She’d been forced to use her gift, but to who’s benefit? “Now I think it’s time I face that I am in the middle of these murders. They’re being killed because of me.” The realization was almost freeing.

“Not necessarily.”

“Yes, detective. You know I’m right. If Michael is the killer, my belief is that he has split into at least two personalities. He may feel as if he has to right some wrong. The theory isn’t as crazy as you might think.” Destiny heard the words and hadn’t put the concept together before. She was right.

“You have to be kidding me.”

She shook her head and gulped her drink. “No, I’m not. Think about what we’ve learned. He had an abusive childhood. His father was, well we’ll just say a true monster. His mother left, leaving Michael alone because of her fear. You know, I actually talked with her a few days ago.”

“You did? I can’t seem to trust you. Don’t you think that might have been important to tell me? You can’t continue to play cop here. Do you understand me?”

“She was still terrified and you know what?” Destiny lifted her head.

“I’m afraid to ask,” Montana whispered.

“She warned me about Michael. She thinks he’s evil, the devil’s spawn.”

He sighed. “Then I have no other doubt. He’s our killer.”

Donna Thomas. The name was suddenly familiar. She set her drink on the counter and walked toward her briefcase. A flash of pain from her whipping forced a moan from her lips.

“What is it?”

“Donna Thomas. I know that name.” She jerked out the laptop, powering up. “Come on.” She glanced at his pensive face. “I have his case file with me. I can’t get the murders out of my mind.”

“I mean you winced. Are you hurt?” Montana inched forward.

“No. No! I’m fine.” There was no way she was going to tell him about Christopher.

“No, you’re not fine.” He gripped her arm.

Destiny pulled away. “Stop. We may have had a night together, but you don’t own me.”

“Own you?”

She could see an odd look in his eyes a split second before he shifted his gaze. “I’m fine.” Thank God so much of her work was on a special database, allowing her almost instant access given keywords. She typed in the name and within seconds had a hit. “His mother.”

“What?” A shocked expression appeared on his face.

“One of her names anyway. Through our various sessions, Michael threw out several. He knew why she ran and he continued to find her on line. She was his nemesis and a part of his life he had no control over.”