Page 92 of Cruel Surrender

“Good point,” she said then rolled her eyes. “I’ve become jaded over time.”

“A protection.” He placed the palm of his hand on the small of her back. While she didn’t flinch, he could tell she was still uncomfortable. He brushed his fingers up and down her arm and moved in front of her. Nodding in reassurance, he lifted her chin with his index finger. “You are an amazing woman and I’m honored to have your trust.”

Her lower lips quivered and she swallowed. “I don’t trust easily. I can’t.”

“I know.” Lowering his head, he pressed his lips against hers, allowing the kiss to be a gentle reminder that he was first a man. When she responded by parting her lips, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into the heat of his body.

She clung to him, digging her nails into his arm, and moaned into the kiss.

He eased his tongue inside, simply tasting. He’d never experienced such joy, such dark and intense needs. He wanted nothing more than to own her, keep her safe from the monsters outside. A shifting thought sent a chill racing down his spine. He was the monster. Breaking the kiss, he took a long stride backwards.

Confused, she opened her mouth as if to ask why then looked down.

“I’m sorry. I know you need space and time.”

“What I need is to know the real man,” she countered.

“What if I told you that you wouldn’t like the real man?”

Destiny sipped her wine before responding. “What if you don’t like the real Dr. Blade?”

Before he had a chance to respond, his cell phone rang. He tipped his head back, resisting cursing, and tugged the iPhone from his pocket. “I apologize. I’ll just be a minute.”

“Of course, Sir.”

He smiled as he walked away. “Christopher Worth.”

“Christopher. This is Jade Devereaux. There is a situation that you need to be aware of.”

This was the last person he wanted to hear from. “As you are well aware, I’m busy this evening. Can it wait?”

“I’m afraid not. I value your patronage and it seems the police have convinced themselves that I have a murderer amongst my clients.”

Murderer? He exhaled and gripped the phone. “Meaning?”

“You are aware of the women that have been murdered recently?”

“I am.”

“I hate to say, but a couple of the victims worked for me,” she stated, her voice hollow.

He allowed the information to sink in and took long strides out of the kitchen. “I’m not certain what you’re getting at.”

“I’m telling you that Skyler has been in contact with the police. She led them to another client of mine, one who is very innocent and as you can imagine, mortified at the accusations.”

“Why are you calling exactly?” Christopher rubbed his eyes. Memories of the blood on his clothes, the missing hours blanketed the forefront of his mind.

“Because I believe Destiny may be working with the police. I believe you may be getting a visit from two detectives.”

The words were chilling. “What if your client is the murderer?” A bead of sweat formed at his brow.

Mistress Jade laughed. “I assure you, I vet my clients very well before allowing them access to my girls. You, of all people, should know this.”

Her research was very good, but certainly not all encompassing. “I’ll take your concerns under advisement. At this point I have no reason to be alarmed.” The hesitation on the other end was palpable.

“Very well. I warned you. Whatever happens now you are responsible for. Good night, Mr. Worth.”

Christopher glared at the phone. “Fuck.” Was he to honestly believe she’d called every one of her clients? He debated his choices before walking back into the kitchen.