Page 90 of Cruel Surrender

“You’d be surprised. BDSM is growing.” Montana looked around the room, taking in various members of the upper echelon of society. He knew many of them by reputation, some having spent a good deal of time on the front page of the Richmond Times Dispatch on the internet. He was no longer surprised at the proclivities and sexual desires of wealthy and influential men.

They waited for a full five minute before Mistress Jade made her grand entrance, sashaying down a long flight of stairs, her gaze immediately locking on the detectives.

“She’s pissed off,” Grant said as he whistled.

Montana remained quiet and stood where he was. He watched with amusement as she greeted several of her guests, smiling as if this was a normal night. She was stalling simply to put them in their place. He sighed and debated getting a drink. He sure as hell needed one after the night they’d had.

Jade approached, swishing her long hair behind her shoulders. She glanced at Grant once before turning her full attention to Montana. “I was told you need to speak with me.”

“Yes. It’s about the murders.” Naturally, he issued the words in a louder tone than he needed. He wanted the good patrons on notice.

She inhaled and folded her arms, placing one leg in front of the other. A smile curling on her face, she almost purred the words. “Then by all means come to my office, detective. I’d love to help you in any way that I can. You can leave him here, but just make certain he doesn’t touch the merchandise.” She turned on her heel before he could say anything.

Grant opened his mouth, his eyes flaring. Montana shook his head and held his hand in front. “Stay here. Listen and say nothing. Got it?”

“Yeah, whatever.”

Montana raised his eyebrow and waited until his partner nodded in agreement before ascending the stairs. He found Jade in an office fit for the queen she believed herself to be. Closing the door, he advanced as he watched her expression. She was blank, her eyes flashing nothing but amusement.

“So, what is it about the murders, detective? I gave you everything that I could to try and help you. What else could you possibly need?”

“Are you missing any other girls?”

“Missing? Not that I am aware of. Is there someone in particular you’re curious about?” She pulled out a cigarette and gold embellished lighter.

“Do you know Donna Thomas or Maria Sanchez? Of course that would be the real women, not the submissives.” When the names registered, a single flash of her eyes told him that she knew one if not both. “They do work for you.”

“No.” She lit her cigarette and took several puffs. “Not both.”

“Which one?”

“Maria. She’s been with me for two years. Why?”

He debated telling her anything. “Because she’s been found dismembered not too far from your place of business.” The Mistress didn’t register horror, merely an expression stating this was nothing more than an inconvenience. “I can see how broken up you are.”

“Detective, I can’t keep tabs on all my girls. I’m not certain if you believe I’m a den mother.”

“Den mother?” He huffed and walked closer, placing his hands on her desk. “At least three women have been murdered who were directly in your employ and you act as if I’m bothering you. Is there something wrong with you, Ms. Devereaux and more importantly, what are you hiding?”

Jade took another drag, held the smoke then proceeded to blow the entire puff in his face.

He shook his head and smiled. “If for some reason I find out that you are hiding anything, you are aware I’ll arrest you and trust me, you will go away for a very long time.”

“Detective Givens. I am happy to tell you everything I know about Maria, but again, I do not keep track of my girls other than when they work for me.”

“Then you won’t mind giving me her client list. Now will you?” He remained unblinking and for the first time noticed a slight nervous tick.

“I can’t do that. You’re well aware of my contracts and-“

“Bullshit!” Montana interrupted. “I’ll get that warrant in about thirty minutes and when I return, I’m going to turn this entire club upside down, including all the nice fellows you have downstairs. Am I clear?”

After a few seconds she smiled. “Go ahead, detective. I’ll contact my attorney and we’ll see what happens to you as well as your career.”

“Are you threatening me, Mistress Jade?” He leaned further over the desk, getting within four inches of her face.

She narrowed her eyes. “We will see, detective.”

He refused to move.