Page 75 of Cruel Surrender

“What?” Gina took a step closer. “What do you mean you have no idea?”

“I don’t know his name or what he does.” For the first time the realization seemed ridiculous to her. The guy knew her name but she had no idea regarding anything about him. Every red flag was on high alert, but there was something else – a knowing. She was supposed to get to know him.

“That’s what we call stupid. He’s picking you up today?”

Destiny nodded. Where could Michael have gone? After the horrific nightmare, she’d had five minutes to talk to Montana before he rushed off, but she knew Michael was a suspect and no one knew where he was.

“Destiny, that’s not smart. Do you understand what I’m saying? Call it off. You do know his phone number, don’t you?”

“Yes, I have his phone number. Stop worrying. We’re having lunch. You can meet the guy in case I never come back.” She chuckled but the thought had occurred to her.

“You can laugh after knowing what you do about the murders?”

She shrugged. “This is about lunch. I’m not going to some dark club.” There was no way she would try and explain. She was attracted to the mystery man and the decision had been impulsive, but she didn’t fear him. In fact, she was intrigued by his tenacity in trying to get to know her. Her thoughts drifted to Montana. The night spent with him had been amazing, but she questioned why they’d let their guard down. Was the attraction real or some product of the bizarre connection between them?

“Still. You’re the doctor but be careful. What are you thinking? I can see your brain churning away.”

“Nothing. Just worried about Michael. I wish he’d call me back.”

“Nice job of changing the subject. When is mystery date arriving?” Gina winked.

“One.” Destiny sat back in her seat. Montana hadn’t given her a definitive yes on going undercover at the club. She was determined to figure out what was going on, even in the midst of danger.

“Fifteen minutes. I’m staying around.” Gina huffed before walking out of the office.

After a few seconds she checked her appointments for the next two days. The only patient who might be inclined to have an interest in any regard to BDSM was Maria Sanchez. She pulled up the young woman’s file and flipped through the last few weeks of notes. The patient was relatively new. Her anxiety had gotten the better of her after a carjacking. They’d had general conversations about dance clubs and other locations where she should protect herself better. The girl had a decent job and a new car. From what Destiny could tell, Maria was progressing well and had an excellent support system. There was one reference to her evening activities, social clubs catering to the BDSM atmosphere. Still, she didn’t really think Maria was heavily involved in the scene, more curious. Couldn’t hurt to make certain the girl was coming to her appointment later in the week.

Destiny dialed the number and sighed. Voice mail. “Maria, this is Dr. Blade. I’m just calling to confirm your appointment. Please let me know if there are any changes. I look forward to talking with you.”

She closed the file and glanced at her watch. Eight minutes. Time to freshen up before her date. Grabbing her purse, she stood and walked toward her office door. A cold chill swept down over her. She turned, half expecting a window to be open. The windows were closed and locked, yet the eerie feeling remained. Her mouth dry, she looked around the room. Her ears had a distinct yet subtle ring. A wave of nausea washed through her, creating bile in her throat.

Get a grip. There’s nothing here. The thought was little comfort. Her rational brain registered nothing awry and nothing out of place. She sighed and took a step backwards.

You forget your place… You will learn one way or the other.

“What?” Jumping, she dropped her purse.

“I said, mystery man is here and I must admit, he’s damn good looking.”

Hearing Gina’s voice, she swallowed and glanced at her watch. There was no way ten minutes has passed. What had happened?

“You okay? You look white as a ghost. Do you want me to send him away?” Gina asked, stepping further into the room.

“No!” Destiny yanked her purse from the floor and brushed her hand through her hair. “I’m fine.”

“You’re a terrible liar. By the way, he’s damn good looking. Whew. I can see why you want him.”

“I don’t want him, Gina. I’m having lunch with him.”

“Yeah? The way he’s dressed, maybe you should have him for lunch.”

Destiny gave a waning smile, but the odd feeling remained. She remembered every detail of the dream. The words were a clear warning.

* * *

“MIA. Interesting,” Grant stated as he glanced over at Montana.

“I had a night off. What’s so interesting about that?” Montana glanced in the rear view mirror and gripped the steering wheel. Being chewed out by the Sargent has been expected. The brutal affront by the news media was something else. Granted, the city was on edge, but he was in no mood to play politics. He remained on edge, concerned Destiny was in danger. Someone had been outside her home. While there were no clues, he was certain they’d been watched.