Page 61 of Cruel Surrender

“You were sizing me up. So tell me who I am as a man. Every graphic detail.”

They touched glasses and she took a sip while she thought about her answer. The words were a challenge. He was toying with her. She swirled her wine and sipped, as if the expensive bottle was her usual selection. Leaning forward, she licked the rim of her glass. He seemed amused but remained quiet. “You run or own a company, one in which your position allows few if any friends. In fact, no one either cares for or appreciates your brand of authority. You make a significant amount of money and playtime to you involves aspects and things only the upper echelon of society could ever dream of. In truth, there are many in society who would consider you a freak, given your love of all things kink. You live in a sterile environment. No pets. No plants. You’ve never been in love and in truth, never plan on being. How am I doing so far?

His expression changed for a mere second and he nodded, the gesture one of reverence. “If I were a betting man, I would have won a significant sum of money.”

“I observe. I listen and learn. Few people do these days. They are too busy pontificating their own worth.” Destiny found herself drawn into his web.

“Yes. You are so very right.” He took a sip of his wine then eased back. “Why Club Noir?”

“I’m not certain.”

“I think you are.”

“Any why is that?” Destiny found herself leaning further forward.

He eased back in his seat. “Because you are formidable but have no interest in the normal man or perfunctory dates. You require a challenge. You’ve never met a man who’s been able to peel the onion. Your power isn’t just in your beauty, but your desire to submit, give all of yourself and soul to one man, but you will choose wisely.”

“You are right that I find the majority of men egotistical. They are little more than boys who can’t play well in the sandbox, let alone give up a toy or a prized possession. To them, everything means ownership. Submission is the true gift.” She hadn’t realized they’d both inched forward until they were only inches apart. Tingling, she was suddenly in a vacuum, hearing nothing but the beating of her own heart.

“Beautiful,” he whispered as he touched underneath her chin with the tip of his index finger. Lifting ever so gently, he closed the distance, pressing his lips against hers.

Drawn, she parted her lips as his tongue swept across the seam of her mouth. She could taste the wine, a hint of bourbon and was unable to move. She heard a moan and no idea if the sound came from her throat or another table. As quickly as the moment of passion began, he moved away. She swallowed hard and sat quietly until she was able to focus. No man had ever had this effect on her.

“Sweet. You’re very right. Submission is the ultimate gift and one I believe you’re ready for. Pain and pleasure mixing together in an incredible dichotomy of sanctity and salvation. You are the one.”

“The one?” The spell was broken and she narrowed her eyes. “I’m not for the taking so easily.

He laughed and shook his head. “Your work as a psychiatrist suits you.”

The bombshell was meant as just that. Destiny sat back and shook her head several times. “Oh my God. Mistress Jade. What a bitch. I should have known.”

“She didn’t divulge your true identity. If I am all those things you say I am, then you have to believe I have several methods of finding out any and all information I deem important. You, Dr. Blade, are a woman I admire very much.”

The words hung in the air.

“Important,” she said quietly.

“Very. What I go after something or someone I must have, I will stop at nothing, especially when they belong to me.”

The words weren’t troublesome to her. She understood the concept of how powerful men believed their own bullshit, obtaining and using women like prized possessions. Mixing the burning need with dominating desires was a too much fuel for an already electrified fire. She waited a full minute before reacting. Dropping her head, she pushed back her chair and stood, planting both hands on the table. “I’m not for sale and you, sir, will never own me. You don’t have what it takes to be the man I need.”

The satisfaction of saying the words and walking out was the most freeing moment she’d had in months.

Too bad she had no doubt she was going to regret the moment and maybe with her life. She hugged her purse to her chest and kept her head down and just as she reached her car, she stopped cold.

“You will be mine in life or in death.”


Enraged, he looked over his shoulder as he climbed into his car. No one could do this to him. He was somebody. He was important. He mattered. He slammed the door and jammed the keys into his car, turning and gunning. Every muscle in his body was tense. There was no way to relieve the pain or the need. Hunger embroiled every cell, encapsulating his heart muscle.

He gripped the steering wheel and continued to check into his rearview mirror. Right now, he required relief, something he thought he had, as well as control. Now, he knew what he had to do. She was trying to get to him. What a fool he’d been. He thought he could trust, perhaps form a bond with her. No women deserved such kindness. Stepping on the gas, he sped through the darkened streets, lights swirling past in neon flashes. Tonight would be his. He would be the king.

Pain tore through his neck and head and he rubbed his eyes, blinking several times in an effort to wipe away the fog. Panting, he leaned forward, squinting as he peered out into the night. Calm down. Calm. Breathe.

Yes, he could do this. He could be calm and make the right decisions. He screeched to a stop at a red light and used the opportunity to yank open the glove compartment. There had to be some pills, anything to stop the agony. He held up the aspirin bottle, hissing. Two. Two pills. Snorting, he popped the top, pouring the contents into his mouth. He chewed, savoring the bitter taste coating his tongue.

Glancing to his right then left, he pressed his foot on the gas pedal, running the light. One more check in the mirror and he smiled. He was all alone.