Page 59 of Cruel Surrender

Detective Givens hesitated. “Same guy?”

“No. I won’t see him again.”

“Christ, Destiny. Stop lying to me. Please tell me you’re not returning to the house.”

“No! No.” Why was she so jittery? “I’m going to have a drink with a friend. That’s it. Nothing nefarious. Last night was something else. I took a chance.”

“A chance? Christ, lady. You don’t understand the seriousness of the situation.”

Clink… Tap…

Sucking in her breath, she turned in a full circle. “I…” On edge, she walked toward her bedroom window. She was sick to death of being edgy.


“I just can’t talk…right now.”


There was someone in the alley. She’d bet on it. Fingering the blind, she flipped a blade and peered into the darkness. There was no boogeyman coming for her. Michael had all but disappeared.

“Is everything all right?” Detective Givens asked, a question in his voice.

“Fine. Just fine.” Unable to detect anything, she eased against the back wall and let out a slow breath. Now she was terrified of her shadow and everything around her.

“Dr. Blade, call me after your date. I’m serious here.”

“I don’t know how long I’ll be.” She thought about the night before. Was she crazy to think someone else might have been in the house? The noises she heard now seemed muddled in her mind. The man might have had a dog in the other room for all she knew.

“If you have information, then I need to hear what you have to say.”

Destiny groaned. “I might just be making something out of nothing.”

“I’m not playing games, Dr. Blade. Call me when you’re finished with this date and I’ll meet you. If you’d like, I’ll have a squad car pick you up from your said date.”

“Not necessary, detective.” While he was goading her, she wouldn’t put the concept past the detective. “I’ll call you.”

“You do that.”

“Fine.” As suspected, he’d ended the call. She clicked off and held the phone to her forehead. “Damn it. Damn it.”


Destiny jumped. She took another quick look just as what sounded like a metal trash can was tossed to the side. In the next seconds the screeching sound was easily recognizable. She exhaled and laughed, wiping perspiration from her forehead. She better get going.

“Damn cats.”

As she drove, she couldn’t shake the terrible feeling sweeping through her. Every few seconds, she glanced into the rearview mirror, terrified at what she’d see.

The street in front of the Café was crowded but Destiny managed to find a spot in the small parking lot behind the festive wine bar. She grabbed her purse and walked around the side to the entrance, standing and glancing through the front windows for a full minute. There was no one she recognized hovering in the darkness, ready to tie her to a cross.

The joke settled her nerves and she plastered on a smile as she walked inside. Elbow to elbow, she scanned what she could see of the perimeter. There was no man sitting alone in wait. She realized she wasn’t certain what he looked like, but her instinct told her he’d seek her out. Did she hope this Dom was the man she’d met at the club? Perhaps. The moment her nipples scraped against the thin lace of her bra, she sucked in her breath. She was more than attracted to the stunning man with piercing blue eyes.

She walked toward the mahogany bar, pushing past the pretty people, all dressed as if they’d just come from work. Jeans. Why in the hell had he wanted her in jeans? Sighing, she looked up at the oversized chalkboard, trying to determine the perfect type of wine for meeting a stranger and a Dom. She bit her lower lip to keep from laughing and tried her best to patiently wait her turn.

Crammed into a barstool, she finally managed to flag down one of the three bartenders.

“What will you have?” The young man barely looked into direction then glanced up, his eyes open wide as if seeing a ghost.