Page 37 of Cruel Surrender


Christopher stood still, sadistic thoughts swirling in his mind. Visions attacked his inner sanctum, cascading heightened desires. As she walked, he envisioned tying her wrists and ankles to the steel cross. He could almost taste her apprehension; however, her growing excitement wasn’t something he’d anticipated. He wasn’t surprised she was here. She was, after all, as tenacious as she was intelligent. He breathed in. The scent of her perfume remained tickling his nose.

Every man in the room was interested in her. They were all playing a game, hunting her in an intricate fashion. He could almost read their minds, the sadistic yet tasty punishment they longed to dole out. Perhaps his web of electricity thwarted their increasing desires. The concept was satisfying indeed.

I will have you. She turned as if searching for the cause of the extreme current. He sighed and surveyed the room. No one else could see the tethering increasing between the two strangers. Chuckling, he sipped his drink, sucking on a single ice cube. The smooth taste of the bourbon was soothing as the liquid slid down the back of his throat.

From where he stood, he could see the nervous tick on the right corner of her mouth. She was unsteady in her heels, a telling trait, yet she held her head high as she headed up the long staircase. Mistress Jade had summoned her presence.

He remained not only intrigued by the lovely woman, but also secured in the knowledge they were indeed destined to be together. Without a doubt, she was the one. She’d come as if offering her very soul. His cock was hard, pushing against his linen pants. An ache burned within. He could take her tonight. Of that he had no doubt. However, she had to come to him of her own free will. He was no monster.

A smiled crossed his face given he was lying to himself. He was a true heinous savage in every way. He was the epitome of a merciless Master. He polished off his drink, handed the glass to a passing waiter and headed for the exit. He was no longer hungry for the tarts in the club disguised as submissives. No matter how well paid they were, the women were tawdry in comparison. He’d bide his time, find out as much as he could about her and wait. Could he indeed be a patient man? He laughed. Time would tell.

He’d quickly develop a plan, one that would be executed soon enough. When she disappeared around the corner, he searched the room one last time. Her scent lingered on his hands. He inhaled and called to her once again. She would never forget their meeting.

Anger had been replaced by a peace he hadn’t experienced in several years. She was his destiny, perhaps his very salvation. His dreams were very much a reality. The thought enthralling, he jerked his keys from his pocket and walked outside. The air was humid, even for a late September evening. There was a slight breeze, and the scent of night creatures was powerful. He loved the darkness, reveling in the security afforded him.

The weekend certainly hadn’t gone as planned. He was incensed the deal was at a standstill. There had been no explanation other than the Decision Committee needed more time. Now, patience wasn’t one of his virtues. With women or in business. He suspected Stephen was behind the delay.

As he walked toward his car, pressing the unlock button, he grew restless. His relentless prowess, his very command had been challenged by a group of men and women who had no idea the man they were dealing with.

He threw open the door to his Mercedes and climbed inside. For a few seconds he remained glaring out into the darkness. Vile and cruel images slithered into the back of his mind. He closed his eyes briefly as a headache settled in. This was no time to lose control. Everything would work in his favor.

As he started the engine, he glanced up at the second floor. The single lamp burning in the front window highlighted Jade’s office. He smiled as his cock throbbed. Mistress Jade would try and lure the delicious creature into her fold. What an interesting folly this could be. “Soon, my princess.” He placed the gear into drive and hit the gas. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a young man standing in the shadows, his face tipped toward the house. An eerie thought rushed into his consciousness. Death was all around him.

* * *

“Would you like another glass of wine?” Mistress Jade asked as she held up a dark bottle.

“I’m fine. Thank you.” Destiny heard the glitch in her voice. The meeting wasn’t necessarily unexpected. Her guard was up, her hackles raised.

“Mmmm… Excellent. A woman who knows her limits. A cigarette perhaps?”

“No. I’ve never smoked. I have no need.”

Mistress Jade flashed her a look of respect. “No need. Excellent.” She poured a glass of wine and tugged a cigarette from a pack on her desk. After lighting she took a long puff, holding the smoke inside her mouth. When she exhaled, she gave Destiny a once over and walked around to the other side of her desk.

Destiny remained tense. She exhaled and looked around the room. Her skin crawled. She thought about the man and realized her panties were damp. Don’t think about him. Don’t allow him in. After a few seconds she was able to regain her clinical view. This was a fact-finding mission. Her patients were dead. She had to find out the truth. They deserved to have their killer brought to justice. Visions of dripping blood and gore would forever burn into her soul. Dead. They were dead. Jesus Christ, what was she doing here? You have a role to play. You are Skyler.

Mistress Jade stood stoically.

Look for anything odd. Remember every detail. She clenched her fist and scanned the perimeter. The gleaming stainless desk was topped with an inch thick plate of glass. The leather chair was bright red, accentuating the animal print rug and erotic art covering two of the walls. There was little indication of the Mistress doing any actual work. While a laptop adorned her desk, there were no files, no paper of any kind. “You have a beautiful office.”

“Yes. I spend my time split between the club and my office downtown.” Instead of easing into the majestic chair, she sat on the corner of her desk, exposing her long legs in a provocative manner.

“An enjoyable space.” The two plush chairs for visitors to recline were shorter in comparison to the adorned leather piece. She moved from foot to foot. Her feet were killing her. The various pieces of art were obviously expensive, and the eroticism was meant to entice if not entrance.

“You’re not what I would have expected.”

“Meaning?” She dared not look into the woman’s face. There was one additional object nestled beside Mistress Jade’s laptop, a red book. From where she stood, she could see gilded lettering.

Mistress Jade took another long drag. “Let’s just say you’re unlike my other girls.”

“You say that as if this is a house of prostitution.” Destiny cocked her head. Intimidation was obviously one of the Mistresses strong suits. She refused to give in. “I thought this was merely a club for rich men with little else to do, a place to stymy their abhorrent and very boring lives. Playtime.”

Laughing, she held up her glass of wine. “You don’t mince words. Another attribute I admire.”

“Then why don’t you tell me why you asked me into your office?”