Page 34 of Cruel Surrender

“Awfully convenient.” Montana had his doubts. Sniffing the air, the coppery scent of her blood was mixed with sweat and nothing more. “She wasn’t violated.”

“You mean sex?” Grant handed the bag back to the attending officer.

“I’d bet my badge this isn’t the same guy.” The rays of sun filtered over the water, creating a shimmering effect. “She was kicked several times in the stomach and groin hard enough I suspect there’s internal bleeding.”

Walter Crandell stopped what he was doing and turned toward the detective. “An interesting observation, Givens. I’ll be curious to see if you’re right and more importantly, how you know this.”

“Any ID?” Montana asked, ignoring the comment.

“Nothing. She had no personal effects. She has a tattoo, but that’s not going to tell us much.” Grant walked in front of him. “A copycat?”

Montana shrugged. “Something like that.” As he started to walk away, Grant wrapped his hand around his partner’s arm.

“We really need to work on our communication skills. You know something. You need to tell me.”

“We need to go about this differently. This isn’t a simple cut and dry case.”

“They usually aren’t, Givens. Still, if your hunch is wrong, other women are going to die. You know something you refuse to divulge. I don’t need my cop instinct to tell me that. What are you hiding?”

His hands clammy, Montana locked eyes with his partner. “Nothing. I have a fear there are bodies lying in wait.” He walked up the hill and away from the scene. The idea swirling in his head could mean the end of his career, but he was willing to bet money on his instinct. Now he just had to figure out how to initiate the plan.

As he neared the car, he fought to keep the bile in the pit of his stomach. Whatever had occurred between he and the good doctor had left him fractured. Who was she and what had she done to him?

* * *

“You are mad. No, you are out of your mind.” Destiny pointed her finger at her reflection. The woman staring back at her, wide-eyed and terrified, looking nothing like the consummate professional she’d portrayed all her life. This woman, the one dressed in scarlet, was nothing more than a hussy. A whore.

She sighed and leaned over the dresser. She’d applied the make up well. Her eyes seemed to glisten in the glow of her tableside lamps. Tilting her head, she studied the rhinestone necklace adorning her neck. The subtle piece had belonged to her mother. She’d never had a chance to wear what she would have considered too flashy. Tonight seemed like the perfect opportunity. To break out of your comfort zone? To get yourself killed?

The thoughts were real enough. She’d considered the possibility she’d wind up dead more than once. She was well aware she should have called Detective Givens, giving him the information she’d learned about Michael and about his visit to her home. There was no good reason she was acting like an idiot except she had to solve the riddle. She had to learn what Michael was keeping from her.

She jerked the brush from the case and grabbed the powder, blotting her face. Applying lipstick next, she groaned at the haphazard effort. She looked like a clown or a puppet. Grabbing a handful of tissues, she wiped her mouth and took a sip of her wine. The glass was almost empty. Maybe one more would help calm her nerves. No! She refused to dilute any more of her senses. She needed to be on point tonight. This was nothing more than a visit, a fact-finding mission.

Now she laughed. Who was she kidding? She was way out of her league. “You’re going to go to the club and look around, nothing more.” She nodded her head in defiance and reapplied her lipstick. This time she was on the mark. Pouting her lips, she struck a pose and was finally satisfied. The red stilettos she’d purchased for the occasion would complete the outfit, even if the four-inch heels killed her feet.

The small purse was filled with a compact, her driver’s license and a single credit card. No one was going to find out who or what she was trying to do. She added the tube of lipstick and closed the latch. She was as ready as she was going to be. She stepped away from the dresser and noticed the card. Perhaps this would gain her entrance to the exclusive club without questions. Perhaps.

Destiny slipped the card into her purse and smiled as she grabbed her keys. She selected a thin coat, wrapping the belt around her waist. No one was going to see the package underneath until she was ready. Tonight was the time to break out of her cage. As she turned out the lights she inhaled. Even the scent of her perfume was provocative.

She stood on her porch, searching the surroundings before heading for her car. There were certainly people out, but there was nothing to draw her suspicions into the forefront of her rattled thoughts. Only a block away, as she settled into the car the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. He was here. He was in the car with her. She adjusted her rear-view mirror until she was able to gaze upon the back seat.

There was no depression in the seat. There was no face in the mirror, but she knew. Tonight she’d ignore him, as if he didn’t matter to her. As she started the car, the wafting scent of exotic cologne, men’s cologne, filtered across her nose. She swallowed and slipped the gear into drive, turning on the radio to her favorite station. Nothing was going to get in the way of finding the truth. No man. No monster.

Tapping her fingers on the steering wheel, she punched in the GPS coordinates at the first red light. The location surprised her. River Road was old school, the location where influential people known as the First Families of Virginia lived. To have a kink club nestled among the rich told her many things about the lifestyle. Even the rich and famous held dark secrets.

Traffic was light as she drove through Carytown and toward the West End. She was well aware her pulse was racing as she closed in on the club. She’d found out just enough about Club Noir to pique her curiosity, but the one-page website said little other than a statement about indulging your fantasies. Entrance was by invitation only.

What are you searching for my sweet?

Destiny ignored him by turning up the volume on her satellite radio. She opened her window a crack, hoping the fresh air would stymy his yearning.

What do you think you’ll find?

A quick glance in the mirror gave her a sickening moment. This time she noticed a depression in her leather seat as if a large man was sitting on the passenger side. “Leave me alone. I don’t need you.”

That’s where you’re wrong, my princess. In a matter of time, you’ll learn everything you need to know.

Huffing, she refused to look back again. Soon, she found herself in a neighborhood she’d never been to before. The million plus dollar homes were well lit and no doubt pristine. As she drove by, the majority had long driveways, many with gates. Opulence and security, the epitome of the affluent Richmond lifestyle.