Page 29 of Cruel Surrender

“Yes, sir.”

“Then come with me. We’ll talk away from the pomp and circumstance.”

A nervous tick appeared in the corner of her mouth. She accepted his hand and sighed. “I’d like that.”

He smiled, tossed a fifty-dollar bill on the bar and led her through the crowd toward the back entrance, his grip firm. He didn’t need anyone remembering his face or his appearance at the club. Given his long strides, he dragged her toward the back. She mewed but didn’t resist, even though she stumbled over her feet. He was exhilarated. Tonight would be delicious.

“Hey buddy, where do you think you’re going? I don’t think she wants to go with you.”

He heard the voice, the tone more like a growl, and was incensed. Pushing Betsy against the wall, he rubbed his thumb across her lips. “Wait for me. Our adventure begins soon.”

“Of course, Sir.”

Turning, he reacted without thinking, rage coursing through every cell. He wrapped his hand around the man’s thick neck, shoving him into the men’s bathroom.

“Fuck!” The man flailed, his hands slapping at his aggressor. He wheezed, his face turning beet red.

He smiled as he tossed the asshole against the sink, delighting in the way the man’s head hit the glass. As shattered shards cascaded down around the bouncer’s shoulders, he grinned and advanced. “You’ll learn your manners.”

The man screeched and dropped to his knees. Blood oozed from a gaping wound.

Using the strength of his upper body muscles, he yanked the man off the floor as he turned on the water.

Gurgling and slapping as his assailant, the bouncer struggled to free himself.

“Manners, dear boy. Manners.” He shoved the man’s face into the water, holding him down as the fight continued.

“Rrrrrr!” The man slapped his hands back, hitting air.

He kept his hold, digging his fingers into the fleshy skin of the man’s neck. His blood pressure skyrocketed given his anger. Adrenaline added to his strength, and he no longer had to fight to keep the man’s face under water. When the bouncer stopped moving, he stepped back and wiped perspiration from his brow. The evening was a celebration. He turned his gaze toward the broken man. His eyes were open wide, a look of terror mixed with a hint of understanding.

As the body slumped to the floor, he could only see red. Rage rushed to the surface and he was unable to breathe. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Control. You have to have control. He could hear the mantra. Tonight was supposed to be his and the asshole had ruined everything. A full release was necessary, and he knew exactly what he had to do.


Montana looked over what little information he’d gathered regarding the murders. Candace Williams did indeed lead two lives. With Jade’s confirmation, and what he believed was a strong connection with Dr. Blade, he suspected the case had far reaching tentacles, ones worth covering up. While she was a legal assistant for a prominent law firm, she certainly couldn’t afford to live in Windsor Farms on her salary. Hence work at Club Noir.

“Everything is a damn dead end,” Grant said as he tossed a file across his desk.

“Yeah. Every aspect of what we touch or see is too clean.” He looked at the picture of Candace’s mutilated body. “This girl has a story to tell, and Mistress Jade knows more than she’s telling us.”

“You need to bring her in for questioning. You saw her face. Smug. Emotionless. She’s hiding a hell of a lot. Bet my badge on my gut feeling.”

“I doubt she’ll budge. I know there’s a secret to this club, something that is much more involved that kink.”

“That’s a bit vague. Want to give your old partner a hint?”

“Not yet. I need to put some pieces together.” He had a suspicion the club was a front for another type of business.

Grant raised his eyebrow. “Uh-huh. Guess I gotta trust you. Club Noir?”

“No, I mean the subversive scene behind Noir. Mistress Jade is hiding something significant. Maybe clients. Maybe more.” Montana had traced Candace’s phone records. She’d received late night calls on a regular basis. None of the numbers he’d been able to trace. They were no doubt throw away phones.

“All the more reason to bring her in.”

Montana debated. “Not yet. I don’t want to tip our hand.”

“What hand? We have nothing but two dead bodies. This list Ms. Devereaux provided is interesting. Did you take a look?”