Page 24 of Cruel Surrender

A smile crossed her face. “I do try, sir. Do you need anything?”

“Just a bit of good luck.”

“Sir, you’re the best at what you do. Never forget that.”

After waiting for another two minutes, Christopher adjusted his tied and eased into his suit jacket, fingering the cuffs of his crisp, white shirt. Today he would simply tell them the deal belonged to him, nothing more. Stephen Drummand and his firm would be left in the dust. He gave a split second of thought to his rival and smirked. Their volatile relationship was well known in the industry. Stephen was as ruthless and cunning as Christopher was. They also shared more than just their appetite for ruling the corporate world. “Is the presentation in the cue?”

“Of course.” She trailed behind him as he walked out of his office. “Per your request, I have champagne on ice.”

He laughed as he strode down the hall. The woman certainly had confidence. When he walked into the room, he purposely looked every man and woman in the eye, lingering for a few seconds. He closed the door and moved to the head of the table. He didn’t sit. He wasn’t going to go down to their level. They needed to realize the power they were dealing with. “Good morning. I think what I’m about to show you will consider this matter closed.” He nodded toward Jennifer. She promptly turned off the light, pitching them into darkness.

The design of the conference room was his, completely devoid of windows. As he turned on the projector, adjusting the focus, he breathed in the various perfumes wafting throughout the room. This was his element, some said his kingdom and he was here to make certain everyone knew it.

A vivid 3-D image of the project flashed onto the wide screen. He moved into the shadows but was able to study their pensive faces. The presentation continued and every man and woman in the room moved to the edge of their seats. He smiled. He had them.

When the film concluded he remained silent. The collective sounds of awe were intoxicating. There was no need to say anything to Jennifer. She knew the drill well. The light was turned on and the expressions were priceless. They were stunned. “This concludes our presentation of the vision of the River City Aisles. I think you have all you need to make your decision.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Christopher noticed the look of satisfaction on Jennifer’s face. Of course he’d hit the mark. He inched toward the table, placing his hands on the smooth surface. “Thank you and I look forward to working with you.” Without issuing another word, he walked out of the room. This was his place of dominance without forethought.

Before he made his way to his office, the entire firm was a buzz.


“Well done.”

The various partners greeted him as he walked down the hall. He nodded yet remained silent. There was no need to acknowledge in any other manner. Those working for him knew him well enough. They’d celebrate with expensive champagne as well as a catered lunch. He was that certain of the decision. No one could best him. He’d partake of something else entirely. His skin itched, longing for a moment alone with the perfect woman. Unfortunately, even the gorgeous submissive from the night before hadn’t satisfied his needs. His cock remained flaccid.

He managed to close his door before the darkness settled in. Fisting his mouth, he walked toward his desk, stumbling for a few steps. He gripped the edge and exhaled, clearing his lungs. Now wasn’t the time to lose control, not when he had so much to live for.

Tonight he had a pre-arranged dinner engagement he couldn’t miss. Tomorrow night he’d hunt once again. The thought calmed his nerves.

* * *

Montana eased to the back of the elevator as Grant pressed the button. The second to the top floor. Mistress Jade was either doing very well or covering up the fact she was a Domme. Either way, he was hoping for answers. He thought about his days undercover. They’d been almost euphoric, but something he could never do again.

“Do you think our dead girl really worked for the Mistress?” Grant asked as he shot his partner a look of discord.

Of course Grant was right. His days of being undercover had left him hollow, jaded. “I don’t know if she will tell us one way or the other.”

“But you said she asked for this appointment.”

“She did, but my guess is that she’s on her own fishing expedition.” They remained silent as the elevator zipped to the floor. He remembered the last time he was in the impressive glass building. The top floor had once been an exclusive club and mostly men paid top dollar to be a part. He wondered what remained.

They stepped out and glanced up and down the hallway. “You sure she said this floor?”

“We’ll find her.” He sauntered down the hall to the double doors at the end. He couldn’t help but smile.

“You have to be kidding me. Devereaux Employee Services?” Grant yanked out his phone, snapping two pictures of the embossed door.

“My bet is the company is on the up and up.” Montana shook his head and studied the impressive looking reception area. The person behind the desk was surprisingly male. ”Nice touch,” he muttered as he walked inside.

“May I help you?” The receptionist’s voice held no inflection, but his eyes showed clear disdain.

“We have an appointment with Ms. Devereaux,” Grant stated. He placed his hand on the receptionist’s desk.

“And you are?”

Montana studied the young man. He was demur as if owned. The thought was interesting. “Detectives.”