Page 120 of Cruel Surrender

He coughed and looked away. “Okay. I’ll have to process that.”

Hearing his phone, he snarled as he answered. “What do you have?”

“Jade Devereaux. She insisted that Mr. Worth is the killer,” Sergeant Wallace stated.

Montana looked over at Grant. “Meaning?”

“She said in no uncertain terms that he demanded she take Dr. Blade to him.”

“Same address?”

“Yeah. She dropped her off then thought better of what she did. She voluntarily came in. There’s something else too.” Sargent Wallace sighed. “She runs the business with Mr. Worth. He’s her silent partner.”

He swallowed hard as the Sargent gave him the details. “Shit. We’re on our way to the abandoned house. Any luck finding Mr. Worth?”

“None, but I did talk with his assistant.”


“She stated that Mr. Worth was in a very agitated state after some issue with a contract. Bad blood between the opposing parties,” Sargent Wallace offered.

A knowing settled into Montana’s system. “Did she say who?”

“Some guy by the name of. Stephen Drummand. We’re running him now. I’m going to have an officer pick him up.”

His blood chilled. “We’re on our way to the house in Goochland.” Montana slapped his hand on the steering wheel. “Son of a bitch.”

* * *

Destiny opened her eyes, wincing as she tried to move. She heard voices as she tried to focus. The room was devoid of any light as well as ice cold. She wiggled then realized she was tied to something. As she became more awake, she realized her arms were over her head, her legs spread. She maneuvered her hand and her fingers touched what felt like metal. A cross. She was strapped to an “X” cross. The space had a damp and putrid stench, much like mold and urine.

She licked her bottom lip and controlled her breathing, listening for any additional sounds. Suddenly the voices moved closer. They were full of anger.

“I should kill you right now.”

“You’re not going to kill me when your precious Destiny is in the next room. You’re off your game, Chris. I found your single weakness. A woman.”

She recognized both, the man from before was arguing with Chris. Blinking several times, she tried to make out anything in the room. Nothing. She struggled with her bindings. Her wrists and ankles secured, she accepted she wasn’t going anywhere. Why was Chris here? To save her.

“What do you want, Stephen?” Chris asked, anger flowing through his words.

“What do I want? What’s mine.”

“The damn contract?”

“You’re such a fool. There’s much more at stake here. When the police arrive, and I have no doubt they will, they’re going to find a monster.”

Destiny wanted to call out, scream for help, but she knew her interference would only escalate the heated debate.

“She had nothing to do with this,” Chris hissed. “You’re a murderer.”

“I like to think of it as relieving the world of tramps and sluts. They bitches got exactly what they deserved. I had some help. It’s amazing how much control you learn with BDSM. Mastering my brother was the perfect ruse.” He laughed.

“What are you talking about?”

“Let’s just say I the police are going to find one of the victim’s blood all over your clothes. You’re going to be exposed, Christopher. What a joy to sully your reputation and to see you arrested.”

Wham! Whoosh!