Page 119 of Cruel Surrender

“Are you okay, buddy?” Grant inched closer.

“She’s unconscious. We have to go.”

“What do you mean? How the hell would you know that? Go where, exactly?”

“I know. Just believe me when I tell you. She’s in real danger. We have to find her before it’s too late.”

“Montana, we’ll find her.”

“What in the fuck is she doing in Goochland?” He bypassed several cars, zooming onto the interstate on ramp.

“We have several officers headed in the direction where the phone is stationary. She’s not going anywhere.”

“Is this one of Worth’s locations?” Montana’s nerves were frazzled. He knew it was only a matter of time until the asshole killed her.

“Not yet. The place has been abandoned for years. The owner died and the bank took it back months ago. There is a pending contract with a Mr. Stephen Drummand.”

Exhaling, he hit the gas, accelerating to seventy-five. The name didn’t register. “What did Sargent Wallace say?”

“Jade disappeared.”

“Of course she did. She’s in on this.”

“Maybe,” Grant mused. “Why? What does she have to gain?”

“There is a connection.”

“But what? The club?”

Montana nodded. “What if she’s the killer?”

Snorting, Grant shifted in his seat. “She would have to be pretty strong.”

“Not if she was working with someone.”

“Are you thinking Worth?”

“Hell, I don’t know what I’m thinking.” He rubbed sweat out of his eyes. “Jade knew Destiny told a cop about Mr. Peterson. We know that because Peterson complained. He’d certainly issue his concerns to the owner of the club. Don’t you think?”

“Probably. Then you think this is a set up?”

“I do.” Montana had attempted to connect with Destiny again, but something or someone was blocking him. “She needs to be found. She knows what’s going on and why. My gut tells me.”

“That shit you said back there. What did you mean? How do you know she’s unconscious?”

“Hard to explain.”

“I think you need to try and slow the fuck down. Jesus!”

Montana responded by pressing on the gas pedal. “We have a connection. I can sometimes see what she’s thinking or feeling.”

“Uh-huh. Right. You okay, partner?”

“I can’t explain why. Had this since I was a kid, although I thought it was gone.”

“It? You mean psychic abilities?” Grant asked, an incredulous tone in his voice.
