Page 113 of Cruel Surrender

“Destiny. So good to see you.”

“Mistress Jade?” This was completely unexpected.

“Yes. Since you seem to be very much in demand, I’ve come to offer you twenty thousand dollars for one night with a favorite client and one I believe you know very well.”

“Master Sampson?” Destiny studied the woman’s face. Mistress Jade seemed happy, enthused.

“Why, yes. You’re quite the interest for him, I must say. He was insistent I take care of this personally.”

“Okay. Why couldn’t he call me?” But he had called earlier. He was a man who had zero patience.

“Because, dear child, he’s preparing a very special evening and has a few details regarding his professional life to take care of. I know you’re free. Why don’t you come with me?”

Destiny hesitated as she thought about what Montana would say, however she tingled all over, her pussy clenching at the mere thought of spending additional time with Chris. Evidently the case would be over soon. She could enjoy one night, then decide what she wanted to do with regard to both men. “All right. Let me just grab my coat.”

“Of course. By the way. You look incredible. I know Master Sampson is going to be very happy.”

As she grabbed her things, she could have sworn she heard laughter.

* * *

“We need all hands-on deck and this one has to go down quietly. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?” Sargent Wallace glared at Montana. “In other words, no hot dogging. The rest of this investigation has to go by the book. We don’t need any more of a scandal than this is going to create.”

Montana darted a look in the room. The Feds were involved, but were standing down, allowing the police to take the lead. He’d learned limited facts from Sargent Wallace, little more than his talent was needed. While he was happy to be back on the force, he remained on edge. He was certain Destiny remained vulnerable.

“How are we going to do this?” Grant asked.

“We know where he is at the current time but we also realize he has enough connections that he could disappear in a very short time frame. Our goal is to arrest him without incident either at his place of business or his home,” Sargent Wallace stated with no emotion. “Miller, Givens, you’ll lead a team to go to his primary resident. Parker, Jones, you’re going to his office. I have two other patrol cars going to the other houses that he owns, just in case.”

“Are you going to fill me in on the details? What changed? Why am I really here?” Montana whispered to Grant.

“Detective Givens. Are you with us?” The Sargent barked.

“Yes, sir. Chomping at the bit to catch the mother fucking asshole.” Montana’s answer brought cackling in the ranks.

The Sargent cocked his head and sighed. “You’ll get your chance. By the book. Members of the FBI are here as backup but this one belongs to us. Let’s get this done.”

“Yes, sir!” Several of the officers chanted.

Grant patted Montana on the back as they jogged out of the precinct. “Hold your questions. Just glad to have you back, partner.”

“No. I need to know. Why am I here? That’s the question.” Montana reflected on the call. To say he was shocked to be back on the case was an understatement. To know someone had asked for him personally was intriguing.

“I have no idea. The Sarge just told me you were coming back on duty. I heard he received a phone call. That’s all I know. Now come on. Let’s do this. This time, I’m driving, partner.”

“You had to tell him about my relationship with Destiny?”

Grant winced. “He guessed.”

“Right.” Montana climbed into the car. “So tell me what you know about Michael.”

“What I know is more of a gut instinct, but the guy has some hidden files on his computer. Took the great geniuses from the FBI to find them. They are pretty explosive with names, the special names if you know what I mean. My opinion is that Michael was trying to gather dirt on the real killer. He had information going back several years to unsolved cases.”

“That’s why he was murdered.”


“And how did the information get to a suspect?” Montana sighed. This was far too easy.