Page 99 of Cruel Surrender

“Do. There is no doubt she’s in imminent danger.” He would bet the department was trying to minimalize the evidence, pushing some if not all under a huge and messy rug.

“Okay. Just don’t get caught investigating. Gotta go.” Grant ended the call.

He held the phone and contemplated his next moves. What if Michael wasn’t the killer? Or what if he was being manipulated by someone else? The mystery man was obviously someone Destiny cared about, or perhaps vice versa. He slipped the phone back into his pocket and tried to remember every detail of the memory. Death. The concept was certain, but who? Destiny. He’d bet his life. That wasn’t going to happen.

First stop, talk to the mother and find out about Michael’s father. He walked back into the kitchen. Her face was pensive. She’d refilled her glass and was pacing the floor. “I’m hoping that police protection will be on the way.”

“You mean they’re going to follow me all day?”

“No, I mean you’re going to stay right here.”

She shook her head. “Uh, no. I have work to do. I have patients who need me. I’m not hiding.”

“You don’t know where Michael will be.”

“Then I’ll buy a gun.”

Her stubbornness was endearing but a danger to herself. “Not on my watch. Cancel your appointments. You can come with me while I get my laptop. Then I have some work to do. You’ll be safe until the officers are approved.” He heard the discord in his own voice. There would be no help coming.

“Work? Weren’t you suspended?” She asked, her tone haughty.

He swallowed and walked toward her. “This isn’t a game. If Michael is the killer, then he knows we’re onto him. That means he’s going to want to finish what he started. I can’t be everywhere. I’ll stay with you as long as I can, but-“

“But you’re going to play hero and get yourself killed.” Destiny opened her eyes wide as she interrupted.

He could tell she hadn’t intended spewing the words. “I’m going to be fine.”

“Don’t fuck with me. You saw the same visions. Didn’t you?”

“What visions?”

“Damn you! You might not believe in the occult or ghosts, but I know when you touched…” She bit her lip and groaned.

“Him? You mean the man who beat you?”

“He didn’t beat me!”

“Then what?” Montana purposely softened his voice. She was on edge, ready to bolt.

“I…” Destiny looked away.

“Talk to me. What is going on?”

Gulping air, she shook her head. “I wanted to find out more about D/s.”

“You? As in?” He wasn’t shocked. He’d been able to sense her submissive tendencies.

“I crave what I can’t have in normal relationships.”

He thought about her admittance. “The club isn’t the way. Trusting a stranger isn’t safe. You have to know that.”

“I do, but I just thought I would find out more. I know. I sound like a lovesick school girl.”

“This man. Do you trust him?”

“I didn’t at first. I trust very few. But now. Yes, I do.” She smiled as if happy she’d opened up.

“I’m not sure what to say.” He was rattled by the fact he wanted to be the one to share the experience with her. He wanted to learn to discipline, become the dominant. Struck hard by the realization, he squashed what he really wanted to say to her.