Page 89 of Cruel Surrender

“That may be the case, but I doubt you’re going to win points by barging in on her place of business.”

He shot his partner a spiteful look and gunned the engine in order to careen through a yellow light. Visions had penetrated every hour since they’d found the body. The poor damn girl had no chance. Ceremoniously carved up and dumped, the body had been on display and very much in a location where she’d be found. This was nothing more than a warning by the killer.

“What is your plan anyway?” Grant asked.

“Plan? We go in and have a conversation with her. I want to see who her guests are and if she has noticed that any of her other girls are missing.”

“Why is this so important to you?”

“Why?” Montana asked incredulously. “We have five deaths, one more horrific than the previous and you’re seriously asking me this?”

He sighed and mumbled under his breath.

“Just say it!” Montana snapped.

“This is way too personal for you. Is there something you’re not telling me about Dr. Blade?” When there was a hesitation, Grant groaned. “I knew it. Did you fuck her?”

“That’s none of your Goddamn business!” Bristling, he swung into Windsor Farms going well over the speed limit.

“If your relationship clouds your judgment, thereby getting us killed, then it certainly is my business, partner.”

Grant was right. He was off his game and enraged as well as worried. He thought about the years undercover and knew he couldn’t go off half-cocked. “Look, we go in and you mix and mingle with the club members. I’ll have a chat with Mistress Jade then we’ll see where we need to go from there.”

“Mix and mingle? Do I look like some freaking Dom?” Grant snorted.

“What exactly do they look like?” Montana couldn’t help but grin. He thought about his own desires with Destiny, craving more than they’d experienced during their tryst.

“Good point. Okay, just don’t pick too much of a fight. My guess is she has some brawny bouncers.”

That she did. He pulled onto the street and found a parking place two blocks away. There were cars lining the area, a mix of Mercedes, Lexus’ and various sports cars. “The night is a rockin’.”

“I wonder how much membership costs.” He mused as he flanked Montana’s side.

“My guess is more than you make in a year, partner.” They walked to the entrance. He noticed several men leaving and held back, trying to identify who he was seeing.

“Isn’t that the guy from Phillip Morris?”

“The guy?” Montana laughed.

“You know, the CEO?”

He shrugged and moved toward the door, going inside without knocking. Immediately two overweight men dressed in all black approached them.

“Gentlemen, membership numbers?” The bouncer narrowed his eyes. In his hand he held an iPad.

“We’re here to see Mistress Jade,” Grant stated and offered a warming smile.

One bouncer looked at the other. “Cops. Are you here on official business?” The second man asked.

“Yes, please tell her we’re here and we aren’t leaving without speaking to her.” Montana pulled out his badge, making certain the hired help knew they were serious.

“Fine, officers. Wait in the lounge and don’t talk to anyone. Is that understood?” The bouncer grinned as he led them inside.

“Detectives,” Grant said under his breath. “Whew. This is some place.”

As soon as they walked into the oversized lounge, several men looked in their direction. While no one moved away or gave any indication they were uncomfortable, the vibe in the room changed. There were at least seventy-five men of various ages either at the bar or relaxing in leather clad chairs. The majority with drinks in their hands, as quickly as they noticed the odd couple, they looked away as if bored and uncaring.

“It’s amazing how many are interested in this kind of thing,” Grant whispered.