Page 66 of Cruel Surrender

“What if you’re not?” he asked. He leaned over. “Destiny, you seem to have an ability to either see or know things. Trust your gut. I’ll just have him checkout out. If there’s nothing there, then fine. If your instincts are correct, then we may have at least a lead. Okay?”

She glanced at him, looking up and down, her face pensive. “Okay.”

After she gave him the address, his mind reeled. What if she’d been close to the killer? He was angry and apprehensive, fearful for her and perhaps retaliation. “Let me call my partner. Just relax. I’ll be right back.” He walked out into the hallway and turned to see her reaction. She seemed resigned, more unsure than he’d seen her before. What in God’s name was she doing trying anything to do with BDSM? He dialed Grant’s number. “Hey. I have an address for you to check out. See who owns the house and maybe even have a patrol car ride by.”

“A lead?” Grant asked.



“Destiny. Don’t ask me questions just yet. Just check the record sheets and let me know what you find. May be nothing. The address is 17412 Breaker Bluff Parkway.”

Grant whistled. “The fashionable side of town and rich too.”

“That’s what I was thinking.”

“Okay, partner. Don’t go off half-cocked.”

Montana laughed. “Me? Never.”

“Yeah. Right.”

When the call ended, he held the phone to his forehead. Everything about this case seemed to have a hidden door, a secret passageway leading to the darker side of sex. His cock stirred just thinking about the possibilities. He wasn’t shocked at his reaction, only concerned his judgment was already clouded. He remained in the doorway for a full minute, realizing how beautiful yet vulnerable the woman truly was. He also accepted that he wanted nothing more than to get close to her.

You want to fuck her, use her, own her.

The words weren’t simply in his imagination. He could swear they’d been said by a monster, waiting for him to falter.

He shoved his phone into his pocket, his mouth dry as a bone. His gut told him things were about to get hairy.

As he walked back into the kitchen, he studied her face.

“Stop worrying,” she whispered. “I can take care of myself.”

A cold chill rushed past him, as if a haunting remained in the house. “I will worry because I know the cause and effect as well as the lure of BDSM.”


Montana exhaled. Only his partner knew anything about the past. “I worked undercover for years. I was in the drug business, a major cartel. As you can imagine, I can’t give you any details except that the guy at the head of the family was into BDSM. He loved various clubs and throwing lavish BDSM parties at his house. He was well known for them. Every event was darker, more sadistic.” The look on her face was one of fear.

“Go on.”

“I met a girl in the organization. She wasn’t into the drugs, merely a girlfriend of one of the wise guys. We became friends and she introduced me to the lifestyle.”

“You’re kidding me?” Destiny inched closer.

“I wish I were.” He looked away, the memories just as painful as before. “Anyway, I enjoyed playing a Dom. So much so I became one. Then I was suddenly her Dom. We had such amazing moments together.”

She reached out, touching his hand then pulled back. “What happened?”

“Long story but we’ll just say her asshole of a boyfriend didn’t like the fact we were spending so much time together. My judgment was clouded. I had no idea he was coming after us, even arranging a hit. The only problem was…” His words trailed off.

“She was killed instead of you.”

After a few seconds he nodded, a single tear slipping past down his face. “Yes. I’ve never been able to forgive myself.”