Page 64 of Cruel Surrender

“Well, I’m glad you called.” He walked inside, scanning the darkened hallway. “Are you alone?”

“Of course.” She closed and locked the door. “Would you like a drink? I’m having some wine.”

“I am off duty.” He followed her down the corridor. The living room was to the left. He stopped and peered inside. There was a single light on and for some reason the amber glow seemed eerie. The house was too quiet. Only the clamoring noises of traffic and the occasional broke up the monotony.

“Good. I hate to drink alone. I hope red wine is all right.” She didn’t wait for his answer, pouring a second glass that was already on the counter.

He shrugged and leaned against the doorway. “That’s fine. What did you need to tell me?”

She waited until she’d handed him the glass, careful to avoid touching his fingers, before she spoke. “You’re right. The date I was on last night was one arranged by Mistress Jade.”

“What is wrong with you?” The hiss occurred before he was able to stop.

She held up her hand. “Listen to me. I had to find out what the draw was. After being there, experiencing this aura of sex, but not in a romantic way, I knew Pandora’s Box existed.”

“Interesting word selection. This date. Details.”

“Did you know the club offers more than just a place to experience BDSM?”

“Special clients, vetted out carefully,” he managed as he clenched his jaw. Was he angry, concerned or jealous? He was no longer certain.

She eased back against the counter. “Exactly. The real money is in the private dates.”

“Flogging for hire. Prostitution?”

“Not in the way you mean,” she whispered and rubbed a finger across her mouth.

“Then what? Seems like you know far too much if you ask me.”

Laughing, she nodded toward the hallway. “This is rather complicated. Why don’t we go into the living room to talk?” She grabbed the bottle and her glass, passing by him without looking.

He noticed she was barefoot, her hair tightly woven into a bun. While her shoulders were back, she seemed fearful, darting glances toward the front door. He settled into a chair, opposite the couch. She was reticent but her eyes were gleaming. She enjoyed the experience. He wished he could say he was dumbfounded, but that would be a lie.

She paced for a minute. “Submissive for Hire. Catchy title, eh?”

“I don’t understand why anyone would do that.”

“I think you do. Some men enjoy an audience, flogging or even fucking women in front of others. There are some who feed off the revelry. There are others who prefer a much more private setting. There are women who not only enjoy the thrill of domination, but getting paid the kind of money Mistress Jade pays, the draw is tough to resist. The women might be professional in their day jobs but struggling. The lure of easy money.”

“Lure. That’s the word. So Mistress Jade arranges these dates?” He knew the answer.

She nodded and finally sat down on the couch, curling her feet under her. “Yes. Men pay exorbitant amounts for submissives to do anything and everything at their bidding.”

Montana rubbed his eyes. “Is sex involved?”

“I don’t know, but honestly? That’s not what the arrangement is about.”

“And you know this how and maybe more importantly, why?”

Glancing into his eyes, she frowned. “I’m curious about the lifestyle. I’ve always been. I went to the club to find out anything I could about my patients. I left with an offer.”

“To be one of her special girls.” He bristled.

“Don’t judge me. I was gathering information. Nothing more. Then this Mistress approached me. I was floored, but the more she talked about the concept, the more I…”

When she didn’t finish he sat on the edge of his seat. “The more you wanted to delve into the ugly secrets?”

“Yes, but they’re not ugly, just not the norm. So I agreed to become a submissive.”