Page 58 of Cruel Surrender


Frowning, she stood straight and glanced at the phone. Hell, Detective Givens was on the other end. “I’m sorry. I mean, Dr. Blade.” Shit. Shit. Shit.

“What are you up to?”

“What do you mean?” She slapped her fist against her leg.

“Don’t bullshit me. Skyler? You’re going back to the club?” Detective Montana’s voice was full of anger.

“No, I’m not going back there. I’m not stupid.”

He hesitated. “Fine, Dr. Blade. This is Detective Givens. I was returning your missed call and given you didn’t bother to come to the precinct this morning as instructed, my partner was in the process of issuing an APB on you.”

“What? Am I under arrest, detective?” Incensed, she bristled.

“I could have brought you in for questioning and you promised me you’d come by to give a statement. You’re interfering with an investigation. The truth is, perhaps I should arrest you.”

She heard the indignation in his voice and closed her eyes. “I thought about my patients, even went through their files. There’s little I can add that will help you. Candace and Mark didn’t have anything in common that I can find so I didn’t want to waste your time.”

“You mean other than their love of BDSM?”

“That’s already been established,” she hissed.

“I need to know if Club Noir was mentioned by your patients.”

“I’ll check, but I don’t think so.”

“Stay out of the investigative mode. Do you understand me clearly, Dr. Blade?” Detective Givens’ voice grew angry.

“Why yes, sir. Whatever you say.” She could tell he caught the inflection.

After a few seconds he mumbled under his breath. “Why did you call?”

“Because I had something I wanted to tell you.”

“About the case?”

“Yes, but I can’t talk now. I have somewhere to be.” She glanced at her watch again. There was no time to waste, but she wanted to talk to him. Perhaps want was the incorrect word. Her civic duty came to mind.

“Destiny, I want you to listen to me very carefully. If you’re investigating on your own I will have zero choice but to have you arrested. You don’t seem to understand that you could be in danger.”

“I’m not doing anything of the kind.” She hated lying. Danger? She heard the glitch in his voice. He was worried about her. “Okay, I have some information I think you need to know. I don’t know if it’s anything, but-”

“Go ahead,” he interrupted.

She yanked a red velvet top from her closet as she tried to figure out what and more importantly how to tell him about the previous Dom. “Hold on. Okay? I had a date last night and I have a bad feeling about the man.”

“A date. Right. Someone you met on perhaps? Or better yet, one of your patients?”

“No. Someone…else.” Now she rolled her eyes. What had she been thinking by calling him.

“You mean someone that Mistress Jade fixed you up with?”

“No. I mean, it’s not like that.”

Montana exhaled in an exaggerated fashion. “Where are you? We need to meet and I mean right now.”

“I can’t. I have a date.”