Page 57 of Cruel Surrender

Christopher stood naked in front of the mirror. His dark eyes reflected his mood. He hadn’t been able to get Stephen’s outburst out of his mind. The man was rattled. So much so he knew the unanticipated meeting wouldn’t be the last. Stephen wouldn’t take the loss of the contract without initiating some sort of retribution. Perhaps he’d gone too far, tipping his hand. He sighed and studied his chest and arms. Years of exercise and eating healthy foods had allowed his solid physique to remain chiseled. Still, it was only a matter of time before he lost the battle to age.

He walked to the closet, opening the double doors and turning on the light. Every suit hung with exactly one half inch in between them. His shirts were pressed and ready, ties neatly placed in a floor to ceiling cabinet. He inhaled as he walked inside, rubbing his hand across the various materials. His choice of attire had to be perfect.

After a few minutes he selected a charcoal grey Armani, a crisp white shirt and a turquoise blue tie. The color would highlight his eyes. He chuckled as he dressed. Tonight was a new beginning and something he’d been looking forward to for several days. After this evening, he would own his prize.

He folded the cuffs of his shirt, selecting black onyx and diamond cufflinks. Adjusting his tie, he stepped back in front of the mirror. This time the glimmer in his eyes reflected his excitement. Power and control he was a master of. Caring for another he wasn’t. This would be his personal challenge and one he didn’t take lightly.

The cologne was from Paris. The dollar amount didn’t matter given the scent was a stimulating aphrodisiac. A smile crossed his face as he selected recently shined loafers. Black. Midnight black. He ran his fingers through his hair, eased into the suit jacket and grabbed his keys. The drive would prove calming. Or would it? Tonight. Exhaling, he stood to his full height. “I know what you want, what you need. Tonight you will be mine.”

He anticipated receiving her call in a few minutes. She was ready to find out more and he was very hungry. Tonight would be the beginning.

Satisfied, he walked into the living room and toward the bar. After pouring a tumbler of bourbon, he checked his watch. Two minutes. He smiled and licked the rim of his glass. Punctuality was important on both sides. He knew she was unusual, not the practiced submissive he’d been fortunate enough to play with. She could be exactly the girl to break the mold. So he needed to go slowly.

Christopher walked toward the window, gazing out into the reddish glows of the setting sun. She was special and he was ready for the end game. He tugged his iPhone from his pocket, placing the thin plastic and metal piece on the coffee table. While Jade’s call had been welcomed, if not expected, her words had been cold, as if hiding prime details about the lovely woman. He’d been given the basics and connected the dots himself. Skyler wasn’t the typical submissive. Instead, she was highly respected in a world of mental illumination. He lifted his glass in reverence as his adrenaline flowed.

When his phone rang, precisely at the allotted hour, he waited until the third to answer.


“Hello, Sir. This is Skyler.”

“Yes, Skyler. I was expecting your call,” he said with a husky tone in his voice.

“Of course, Sir.”

She was nervous. Breathless. “Tell me, are you a good girl?”

Hesitating, she let a slight sound escape her mouth. “Sir?”

“The question is simple. Are you a good girl or bad?” The bourbon was going down too easily.

“I’m just me, a woman in search of finding my true self.”

He laughed. The woman was delightful and perhaps more formidable than he was used to. “Excellent answer. I think we’re going to get along just fine.”

“Yes, Sir. Where should I meet you?”

“Do you know the bar, Café Rene?” When she hesitated, he knew he’d done the right thing. He wanted to get to know the lovely Skyler inside and out.

“Yes, Sir. I do.”

“Excellent. Then meet me there in thirty minutes.”

“O-kay. Do you have any special instructions?”

He thought about her question. “I do. Wear jeans.”

Skyler coughed. “Okay, yes, Sir.”

“Good. I’ll see you then. Oh, and don’t be late. I abhor tardiness.”


Destiny was stymied. She glanced down at her attire and grimaced. She’d anticipated he’d want nothing more than skimpy attire. Now he was asking her to wear jeans. This was certainly unexpected. She gulped the rest of her wine and raced into the bedroom to change. The wine bar was across town and she’d have to rush to get there in time.

She grabbed a pair of jeans from her dresser and threw open her closet door. What in the world was she going to wear as a top? As she picked through her selection, her cell phone rang. Of course he was calling back. He’d changed his mind.

“This is Skyler.”