Page 56 of Cruel Surrender

“I’m sorry?” Mistress Jade looked up, narrowing her eyes. “Meaning?”

“I want to try again, with another Dom.” She had to be losing her mind.

A full minute ticked by.

“Do you really believe I should allow you to engage with another one of my clients given what you’ve done? You’ve all but ruined my reputation with a fine gentleman. He was riled and justifiably angry. I doubt he’ll use my services again.”

“I’m sorry about that. I just…” Destiny looked out the window, studying the swirling puffy clouds. “I was afraid. I was out of my element. I apologize.”

Dropping her pen, Mistress Jade walked around the desk. She sighed and looked Destiny up and down. “I’ve been looking at your career. You’re a powerful woman in your own right. You have a solid reputation and are well received in the medical field. In fact, you were offered a high-ranking position at a prominent Boston hospital. I’m curious. Why did you turn down such a lucrative offer?”

“You’ve been investigating me?” Destiny bristled. Some of the information would have been difficult to obtain. While her life was an open book, the time she’d considered moving to Boston had its share of personal demons.

“Dr. Blade, I investigate every woman who I employ. That’s my job.” She smiled and inched closer. “I assume your relationship with the Director of the hospital had something to do with your departure.”

The comment was said as an afterthought, but one with a definite meaning. “My personal life is none of your business.”

“I beg to differ. What you do and who you are matters to my clients.”

Destiny inhaled and refused to succumb to games. “If you’re not willing to give me another chance, I certainly understand. However, keep in mind that several young women are dead and my bet is that each of them were your girls, as you so aptly call them. I can only guess what they endured during their tenure with you.” She was pushing every button but the woman was stoic by nature. Still, there was a slight change in Jade’s demeanor, a crack on the mask.

“What is it that you want, doctor?” Mistress Jade asked with no inflection.

“What do I want? To discover the woman inside.”

“In truth, it sounds like you’re trying to solve a murder or two. I don’t think you’re qualified. People who meddle in the criminal world are often hurt themselves.”

She gave the Mistress a wry grin. “Of course I’m not, but you certainly sound like you know what you’re talking about. I’ll leave the real work to a very tenacious detective, Mistress Jade.” She folded her arms and stood her ground. Was there quite possible another crack?

Another minute passed.

“Very well. You have one more chance. One. Am I clear?”


Mistress Jade shook her head and walked back around her desk, grabbing a slip of paper and her pen. “This is a man you will not defile. He is a prominent citizen and his anonymity is not to be interfered with. If you as much as raise your voice to him, you’re fired. If you breathe a word of who he is, I’ll ruin your psychiatry career. Do you understand my rules?” She jerked her head up as she clutched the piece of paper.

“I completely understand.”

“Good. He’s interested in you for some unknown reason. He’ll be waiting for your call.” She sashayed toward Destiny, her eyes never leaving the doctor. As she raised her arm she smiled.

The act gave Destiny chills. She grabbed the slip of paper. “I will do as he requires.”

“Good girl. Now leave me. I have work to do.”

The dismissal was expected. The attitude was as well. The glimmer in the Mistress’ eyes was something else. Destiny was being challenged. She waited a few additional seconds before leaving the Mistress’ office. She was more than ready to face the woman inside.

As she walked to her car, she thought about the Master from the night before. There was something very off about the man and there was no doubt Mistress Jade was covering up information about the man or the killer.

She unlocked her car door, yanking her phone from her purse at the same time. Detective Givens should know what she found, even if she wasn’t certain if there was anything to her suspicions.

She dialed his number as she started her car. The cell phone rang three times, finally connecting to a voice mail. She sighed and hung up, refusing to leave a message. What she had to tell him would have to wait. She shifted into reverse, backing out of the spot.

Never forget…

An eerie sensation swept through her. She was being watched.

* * *