Page 122 of Cruel Surrender

She recognized the partner’s voice from the various interrogations. They’d even met with him for drinks a couple of times. Remaining in the shadows, she continued to listen. Montana had refused to tell her but so much about the case. She knew that Stephen Drummand had been someone in Christopher’s life at least in business. What had been found is that the man tried his best to frame Chris for the murders, when in fact he’d used Michael as a killing machine, manipulating the young man into a killing spree. She’d completed her own investigation, finding out more about Michael’s family. The man had tried desperately to get out of his madness, only to shift back into the past when his brother arrived on the scene. Stephen Drummand was the master of manipulation.

“I talked to Michael’s mother in length. She admitted that she had another son, one she’d put up for adoption before she met Michael’s father. We were able to trace the birth records after some doing.”

“The asshole fed information to Jade as well as the press that Christopher Worth was the brother,” Montana said quietly.

“Oh, the dude tried to pin everything on him. He also had Jade believing. What I’ve been able to ascertain is that Stephen thought he’d found the perfect way to get rid of his enemy. The bloody clothes were a nice touch. The DNA is from the second murder victim. Mr. Worth has no memory of how the blood got on his clothes. Headaches and blackouts. The guy might have been drugged. We may never know.”

“Well, the guy’s mental faculties were intact enough to plot out a hefty blackmail scheme.” Montana shook his head.

“But you don’t believe?”

“Just my nagging feeling there’s more to Mr. Worth than yet another victim. I’ll get over it.”

“Hey, partner, seems Stephen had a horrible childhood, transferred from one foster family to another. By all reports, he started killing at an early age. Animals at first, but my guess he escalated quickly. There’s even reason to believe that he committed the murders Michael was almost convicted for years ago. At least we were able to recover and identify the remains of several missing girls. They are finally at peace.”

Montana whistled. “Shit, Grant. This is crazy. So both of them were responsible.”

“The couple at the bar? That was definitely Stephen,” Grant said quietly. “That’s why the murders seemed different, angrier.”

“So the information gathered at Michael’s place was all about Stephen?”

Grant sighed. “As far as we’ve been able to tell.”

“Why go to those lengths?”

Destiny crept down the stairs. “Because the mentally ill create a world of their own to live in. There isn’t the same kinds of logical reasons that you or I might facilitate. Michael was being haunted by a family who was mired in evil. The mother said so herself. Michael was evil, but there was also good in him. Perhaps Stephen was getting back at the mother who left him. Evil begets evil. If you believe in religion, then perhaps the genes of the mother created true monsters.”

“I didn’t know you were awake.” Montana gave her a wry smile.

“My sir left our bed,” she countered and winked at Grant. “Coffee?”

“Not for me,” Grant managed, his face reddening.

“Don’t go on my account.” She flanked Montana’s side.

Grant held up his arms. “No. I have work to do.”

“Thanks for dropping by. Back to work day after tomorrow.”

“No hurry. I think you have some new priorities.” Grant tapped him on the arm and nodded toward Destiny.

“Funny guy.”

She folded her arms as Montana closed the door. “How was Jade involved in this? Grant said she knew.”

“How?” He grabbed her around the waist. “Well, she owns Club Noir with Christopher Worth. They were a couple several years ago and they created the business then.”

“But she called the police.”

“Yeah. She was afraid of him. Stephen was her lover. Filled her head with many stories.”

She frowned. “What a mess.”

“Mmm… But it’s over.”

“Thank God. Time for coffee.” She rose onto her tiptoes, kissing his lips before moving into the kitchen. She wanted to feel at peace, but recovering would take months.

“Not so fast.” He pulled her away from the coffee pot.