Page 10 of Cruel Surrender

He enjoyed toying with the women who had no clue what he was capable of. For many, their flirting nature was intriguing. At least at first. For others, he grew bored instantly, shoving them aside. Tonight? He was very hungry. A warm body with masochistic desires would do. A full minute passed by. He studied the crowd, always curious as to why men of power and influence needed such a club. He laughed softly. They all wanted the same thing; the ability to take and use what conservative and upstanding vanilla wives refused to offer. Men were nothing more than primal animals.

“Christopher Worth.” Her sultry voice oozed sex appeal.

“Mistress Jade. You rarely make an appearance in your own club.” Christopher turned to look at the long-legged blond, admiring her beauty. While the woman had to be in her fifties, she was the epitome of a fine specimen. Jade Devereaux was also formidable in her own right. As the co-owner of the club, as well as caterer to special services, she controlled her environment with an iron fist. Girls who refused to comply to her strict rules simply disappeared. ‘Wanna-be-Doms’, as she called them, were banished without question.

Laughing, she dragged the tips of her nails down his cheek before easing in front of him. “My business keeps me in various locations.”

“Mmm… Always the mystery.”

“As you are. We’ve missed you. Are you here for something special this evening?”

He darted his eyes around the perimeter. “Business has kept me away. I’m here for entertainment. I’m in need of enlightened sensations, nothing more.”

“Always the enigmatic poet.” Mistress Jade shook her head, a smile curling in the corner of her mouth. “Of course. Your particular requirements are brutal. I’m certain the staff has selected accordingly, although I’m not positive anyone can truly meet your desires adequately.”

“You never mince words.”

“I can’t afford to. However, I’m confident we can satisfy your every need,” she purred before glancing around the room.

She seemed nervous, which surprised him. The woman was cold by nature, strict in every way, including with her emotions.

“Would you care to have a drink with me?” He knew the answer.

Jade gave him an awkward smile. “Thank you, but I’ll have to take a rain check. If you’ll forgive me, I have pressing business to attend to. Enjoy your evening and please let me know if your needs aren’t satisfied. I expect full cooperation from all my girls.”

“Thank you and I have no doubt I’ll be pleased.”

Jade hesitated. Folding her arms, she leaned in. “For our incredibly special clients I have a service you might enjoy. I only offer this to our avid supporters.”

Avid supporters. This was a pseudonym for those who would keep their mouths shut at all times. “Do tell,” he stated without inflection. He didn’t need to be stroked.

“A submissive for hire, no matter where or when. She will be able to provide you total control. You can indulge in your darkest fantasies.”

While the service sounded much more like hiring a prostitute, he had to admit he was intrigued. Services had certainly improved. “I’ll consider.”

“You have my private number. Don’t hesitate.”

He looked into her eyes. She seemed tired, as if the business had taken a personal toll. “You know I won’t.”

She nodded in appreciation before slipping into the crowd.

The consummate professional, he’d admired Jade for the two decades they’d known each other, even pursuing a short-lived relationship. He remembered the passionate time fondly. Her offer was interesting. She knew him inside and out, his growing requirements.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a stunning redhead, her body voluptuous. He was drawn to her as she moved through the crowd, her eyes settling on him, even in the darkness. His cock instantly swelled. He polished off his drink and turned away. She was nothing to him. Nothing. However, her body would mark well.

Mere seconds later he was able to detect the scent of her perfume, musky in nature. His cock twitching, he shifted in his seat.

“I belong to you, Sir.”

Her sultry voice was even in tone. Christopher didn’t need to twist his head in order to know she’d already submitted. She was well paid after all. “Get down on your knees. Suck my cock.” In any other club or with any other woman, he’d have heard a gasp.

She dropped to her knees, pushing his legs apart. Her hands worked to free his aching shaft, the tips of her fingers swirling over his cockhead. Saying nothing, she rubbed down the length of his throbbing cock, cupping his balls.

“Would you like another drink, sir?” Ryan asked as he appeared at Christopher’s side.

“Yes, I believe I would.” Christopher handed him the empty glass and breathed in.

“Of course, sir.”