After sitting around, waiting for Brent to call me back and give me the time of day, I knew it was time to stop wallowing around and do something more about the situation. It isn’t only words that Brent needs from me. He needs actions as well since he can’t believe anything I say to him, and that’s exactly what I’m going to give him. Not only will I voice the feelings I’ve had for him, but I’ll show him exactly where my heart lies when he finally listens to me.

I’ve given him the space he might need to cool down after everything, but now it’s time for me to get my thoughts and feelings out. It might not be something I deserve, but I at least need him to know that everything he may have been feeling wasn’t one-sided.

My body seizes at the sound of footsteps crunching through the gravel and I blow out a breath of relief when two strange men come strutting into the lot. They don’t bother looking over at me as they make their way to their respective vehicles and I fall back against the truck’s body with a deep breath.

What will they think when they see me standing out here?

My calls still aren’t going through with Nathan’s number and Brent hasn’t blocked me yet — the only thing giving me a small amount of hope about this encounter — so I’m not sure how they’ll react to me. I’d like to imagine them being happy to see me and wrapping me up in their long arms, but that’s just wishful thinking on my part.

I have a feeling it will go the exact opposite.

My phone pings in my pocket and I pull it out with a notification from Justine. I chuckle at the plethora of question marks filling my screen, then quickly text her back letting her know that I haven’t seen them yet. While I wait for her response, my mind falls back to the brunette that approached Brent and I get sick thinking that he may have run off with her after Nathan’s interviews.

Is it too late?

The thought has my heart beating wildly and it doesn’t get any better when I hear two sets of footsteps echoing through the night. Nathan’s laugh fills the space and I smile at the sound of it, loving that he’s enjoying his moment even if it’s about to end at the sight of me standing here.

Their footsteps stop for a moment and Brent’s voice is far away as he says something to his son that I can’t quite catch, then their trek starts up once again. I’ve got about five minutes before they make it to me and I’m already blanking on everything I was going to say — so much for having to look him in the eye for it to go scurrying out of my head.

I take a few deep breaths, then quickly turn my volume off on my phone before Justine gives me away, and I stand straighter against the truck. I’ve never been one to chase someone before, so this moment is foreign to me, but it’s something I’m willing to try if it keeps these two men in my life.

Love doesn’t come easy to me, and the kind I’m feeling now? It’s all consuming and worth every ounce of heartache that may come with their reactions. I square my shoulders as their footsteps draw closer and close my eyes, sending up a silent prayer that everything will go the way I want it to, before plastering a smile on my face.

Maybe I shouldn’t smile. That could set Brent off and that’s the last thing I want. I let the smile fall, only for it to pop back up again and I mentally curse at myself for acting like an idiot. Before I can figure out what the hell I’m doing, their frames come into view and the sight of Brent up close leaves me speechless.

Say something, Sydney, what the hell is wrong with you?

Chapter 29


I’ve never felt prouder than I do at this moment, but that all falls down the drain when Nathan and I come to a sudden stop in the parking lot. Her blonde hair looks even better than I remembered it, even if it’s only been a few months, and the way those jeans are hugging her hips isn’t helping. She’s breathtaking, just like she’s always been, but that doesn’t change anything that’s happened — and I wasn’t prepared to see her tonight.

I narrow my eyes at her. “I’m not interested.”

Nathan nudges his shoulder into me and arches a brow, clearly trying to get me to hear her out, but that wasn’t part of the plan tonight. We were supposed to head out to a local restaurant, enjoy a meal after his big win, and celebrate getting the money we need for the ranch. This isn’t the kind of celebration I had in mind.

Sydney’s eyes are focused on me, traveling down the length of my body, and as much as I want to say there’s no reaction to it — I’d be lying through my teeth. There’s nothing but heat flowing through my body as she checks me out, and I clear my throat, hoping to get her to pay attention.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. My voice is more forceful than necessary, but this is the best Nathan will get out of me if he wants me to listen to her.

She pushes away from the truck, the same smile she was sporting moments ago back on her face. Did she think either of us would be happy to see her here? I glance at Nathan for a second, noticing the tick in his jaw as she gets closer to us, and turn my attention back to her.

“I, uh, first want to say congrats on the win. That was amazing and you did good out there.” She fidgets when Nathan doesn’t respond, only giving her a curt nod. “God, I planned this out so much better in my head and now I’ve got nothing.”

“Well, if that’s all then, we’ll be going now.” I push past her, irritation starting to make its way to the surface, and Nathan follows suit.

“No, wait!” Sydney says quickly. “Goddamn it. Just stop.”

“Why should I, Sydney?” I throw my arms out to the side and huff. “What do you think you could possibly say to change anything?”

“I don’t know, okay?” she says. “I don’t know what to say, or what to do, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try to fight for what I know we had, or still have. I’ve spent months trying to figure out how I could prove everything to you. Months. So the least you could do is give me a minute to get my thoughts in order after seeing you for the first time since everything blew up in my face!”

I lean against the side of the truck and glance at my watch. “You’ve got five minutes to figure it out, then I’m leaving and I want you to leave me the hell alone.”

She nods and I hate that my body reacts to her trembling lips without her even saying anything.

Nathan looks at me for a minute and walks around to the other side of the truck once I give him a nod — this conversation is best had alone. My gaze latches onto Sydney’s as she stares at me, until she closes them for a few seconds and opens them again.