Or praise.

Either way, it seems as though it only fuels his ego even more as he takes up residence just outside the exit. It’s like he wants me to come by him, but I’m not that much of an idiot — he wants to make me look like a fool and that’s not going to happen. I tap my finger along the flat surface in front of me, replaying the song in my head that Sydney and I danced to a little bit ago, and I aggressively move it away.

She doesn’t deserve to be part of my thoughts, not anymore.

As if it’s that easy to push her away from them.

“Brent —” Sydney starts, but I hold a hand up quickly to shut her up.

“No,” I growl out, making the rest of the table flee away from the two of us. “You don’t get to explain a damn thing to me, you already had plenty of chances to do just that. What kind of shit did you tell him? How well-fucked you were when you got back, or how about the way your body reacted to me each and every time I touched you?”

She curls her lip. “No, asshole.”

I’m the asshole? As if the entire damn room didn’t hear what she’s been doing on my ranch. Everything makes more sense now — she wasn’t someone Renee sent to me, but instead someone who was sent by her own boss to take everything away from me. That’s enough to tell me that this was never going to work and it’s best that I figured it out now rather than later.

I scoff at her name-calling and say, “Bullshit!” I’m not excited about the turn of events, basking in the way her gaze burns with fear, but it’s also being replaced with desire. “You had to tell him something and I want to know what it was.”

Sydney sighs and leans against a wall. “I’m not telling you that right now, especially after the way you reacted.”

I darken my gaze and copy her movements, not caring how anything looks to others right now. “Seriously?” I ask incredulously. “You can’t even give me something as simple as a day to be honest with me?”

If I’m being honest, I don’t give a shit what she does, I just need to know what it will do to us if it goes through. Even without saying it aloud, I know that statement is a load of crap because I do care about what she does, more than I should care after the announcement.

Her bottom lip trembles again under my stare and she shakes her head. “Please don’t make me tell you anything right now, I need to handle this.”

“Handle what? Destroying my life?”

She flinches at my tone, then I’m storming away from her with my vision turning red. I don’t bother with manners as I push through the crowd of people, making sure to knock over anyone in my way, and it’s her boss’s smug face that has me lifting my fist. There’s a strong set of arms pulling me back before I can even land a punch in, as if the bastard already knew I was going to be coming for him.

Fucking great.

I shake from their grip and shove the doors ahead of me open, not turning my gaze back when Sydney starts hollering for me. Her pleas are quickly silenced as the door slams shut and I roughly drag a hand through my hair, hoping above everything else that this is all some weird nightmare that I can escape from come morning.

Within minutes I’m relaying everything that happened over to Nathan on the phone, while jerking in and out of traffic, and it makes me feel better to know that someone else is on my side with things. It’s hard to tell how long that will last, since I know he’s gotten closer to Sydney, but at least I know I can count on him for now.

Let’s hope it won’t come to an ultimatum.

How could I have let someone like her so easily into my heart? This had to have been her plan from the jump — get close to me and make me tell her everything she needed to know, then drive back with all the information. I’m sure she and the attractive douchebag have had loads of fun laughing about everything that’s happened between the two of us and it nearly has me puking on the floor.

Is this feeling going to last forever?

There’s a slight chill on my face as I strut down the sidewalk, making my way toward the hotel where I’m staying before handing the keys to the valet. While he pulls my car around, I walk into the receptionists and let them know I’m checking out in the morning. It would be best if I get as far away from here as possible.

Chapter 26


What did I think he would do after the stunt Heath pulled, sit down and have a nice little chat with me about everything? As far as he knows, I betrayed him in the worst way and there’s nothing I can do to fix it. There are still a couple more hours left of the gala, but it’s mainly people trying to get their last bit of donations in before leaving for the night, and I’m not feeling it anymore.

I rush through the guests gathered around, not bothering to apologize as I knock into people along the way, and come to a halt when someone’s hand wraps around my arm. When I push through the exit, my gaze darts up and down the lobby in hopes that I caught Brent in time before he left, but there’s no sign of him.

It’s no use, if I were him I’d be driving as far away from here as humanly possible without looking back. A throat clears behind me and I turn to find Heath leaning against a wall, the light shining on him as he walks towards me with a smile. “Looking for someone?” His chuckle makes me want to punch him in the face, but I’m not sure how easily that would go since he’s the big guy here and all. “Pretty sure I watched him rush out of here already, you might be able to catch up to him.”

I glare at him. “What the hell is your problem?”

“My problem? Nothing. You see, while you’ve been having fun with the owner and his son, playing house and doing whatever the hell you wanted, I had someone else on the inside getting me all the information I needed.”
